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9 votes

In 'The Hateful Eight', Why is Minnie's Haberdashery's called that?

In British English, a Haberdasher sold cloth, as well as lots of little 'odds and ends' - the 'notions' named for those items which you might forget or not be able to get elsewhere. This often ...
Imperator Helvetica's user avatar
7 votes

Is there a precedent for the way the Lincoln Letter was used in The Hateful Eight?

As Tarantino answered to a Yahoo Movies question: "I don’t really know exactly where it came from. It just grew from the back and forth between the characters" So it gives the impression that was ...
Skalwalker's user avatar
5 votes

Why did Warren tell the story of the "no dogs or Mexicans" sign?

Warren was attempting to evoke a reaction from Bob to confirm his suspicion that Bob was lying. The film establishes Warren as someone who regularly lies and fabricates stories, e.g., the Lincoln ...
galacticninja's user avatar
5 votes

Why isn't it called "The Hateful Nine"?

This promotional featurette from the Weinstein Company (on the FILMISNOW YouTube) numbers and names the “eight” thus: 1: “The Bounty Hunter” Major Marquis Warren (Samuel L Jackson) 2: “The Hangman” ...
5260452's user avatar
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4 votes

Does "The Hateful Eight" belong to the Tarantino Universe?

Yes,it is indeed a part of the "Tarantino Cinematic Universe", as is evident from the following points: Mexican Bob smokes a Manzana Roja cigarette which translates to Red Apple cigarette, the ...
AachmanShukla's user avatar
4 votes

What's the meaning of this dialogue about trees in The Hateful Eight?

In the first line, Chris is saying that Marquis committed murder and arson to give himself the opportunity to escape. "A run for the trees" means the run you make when you escape somewhere and are ...
tbrookside's user avatar
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Why isn't Jody considered one of the 8 in The Hateful Eight?

First, I think your count is off. Here's my list of "major" characters, in the order mentioned by the Wikipedia plot summary, numbered for easy counting: Major Marquis Warren (Sam Jackson) ...
Tom's user avatar
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Why does Chris Mannix hate Joe Gage?

I think an important part of the story is the setting (i.e. post-Civil War America). Chris Mannix is the new sheriff. People were tired of fighting, Mannix was from the losing side and may still ...
m1gp0z's user avatar
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Why does John Ruth dislike the coffee?

Having watched the movie a while back, I'm not fresh on the exact way the coffee was presented, so I'm going to assume that there was no additional information based on the answer in the question you ...
JAD's user avatar
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Rear projection effect in The Hateful Eight

The question was "do you think...", so that's how I will address it. It was a practical choice, not stylistic. For reference, here is a screenshot of when it's at its worst: This part of the ...
dvaeg's user avatar
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How come the coffee initially tasted awful

Actually, Minnie stated "Stagecoach drivers like it (coffee), passengers not so much" when the coffee was ready and her husband, Sweet Dave, claimed "best coffee on the mountain". Since John was ...
Thai Le'Tyster's user avatar

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