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81 votes

Why does Zootopia have an intentional Breaking Bad reference?

The directors addressed this scene and their motivation directly, indicating that it was both a cultural homage and just a really good joke: The gag works. During copious test screenings, Moore and ...
jlmcdonald's user avatar
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70 votes

What is this record-destroying scene in Family Guy a reference to?

Didn't even have to watch the video--the thumbnail was enough to know that this parodies the printer-destroying scene in Office Space.
Exal's user avatar
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68 votes

Did Spaceballs have to get permission for Pizza the Hutt

A brand like Pizza Hut can be trademarked but not copyrighted. Copyrights allow the author (or owner of the copyright) to retain exclusive rights to use the work or significant portions of it. ...
Todd Wilcox's user avatar
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62 votes

Which movie series are referenced in XKCD comic 1568?

All XKCD comics have individual threads in the XKCD forums which discuss the various comics. There is also an Explain XKCD wiki which can help. (Thanks to @alex_d). From perusing the thread: ...
Tim's user avatar
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58 votes

Has a movie ever referred to a later movie?

Most Pixar films have appearances of characters from future movies. This list comes from the Pixar Fan Wiki: Monsters, Inc. - Clownfish, the main characters of Finding Nemo, are depicted three ...
jejorda2's user avatar
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55 votes

Which mask is Wade/Deadpool wearing in this scene?

Its Hugh Jackman, the actor who plays Wolverine in the "mainstream" x-men movie series. Its one of many fourth-wall-breaking Hugh Jackman / Wolverine jokes in the movie.
iandotkelly's user avatar
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50 votes

Do you have to be well versed in Mighty Mouse to understand Andy Kaufman's infamous SNL skit?

No...I don't think so. As you said, Kaufman's humor was entirely different from most other peoples. Here the "joke" is in the fact that Kaufman's "role" is highly specific. The ...
Paulie_D's user avatar
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47 votes

Was this a movie reference when Tony said "happy trails, kid!" to Spider-Man?

It's a TV (and old radio show) reference. Both Die Hard and Avengers are referring to a song. It's a pop-culture way of saying, "Goodbye!" When Tony Says it to Peter, he's implying, "...
Rocky's user avatar
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40 votes

Meth dealer reference in Family Guy

That's Jodie Lee-Ann Sweetin, an actress and recovered drug addict, who wrote a book about it, called unSweetined. She tweeted about it in 2013: @SethMacFarlane I love Family Guy and was so stoked ...
Anne Daunted GoFundMonica's user avatar
38 votes

Have we ever seen Data make use of his "multiple techniques" before First Contact?

Data and Tasha Yar had a drug fueled liaison during season 1 of TNG, The Naked Now. It was never spoken of again, but referenced in Season 2 Measure of a Man. Season 1 was 2364-2365, First Contact ...
cde's user avatar
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32 votes

What are all the faces on Grandmaster tower in Thor: Ragnarok?

They are winners of the contest of Champions and they are characters from the Marvel Comics. Man-thing - Top Beta Ray Bill- Left Ares - Right Bi-Beast - Bottom Right. Fin Fang Foom - Bottom I ...
Nog Shine's user avatar
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31 votes

License plates in Zootopia

This is probably a date like Dec. 29th 2003 for example, but director Rich Moore has said that there is no hidden meaning in this twitter reply: Who knows? :) Fast Animal, without the vowels
Jon's user avatar
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30 votes

Is there any connection between Stranger Things and IT movie?

Is there any connection between Stranger Things and IT movie? Yes, IT is one of the inspirations behind the show. From huffingtonpost The Duffer brothers, who actually once pitched an “It” remake ...
Ankit Sharma's user avatar
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29 votes

Is Rick and Morty satire/parody of Doc Brown and Marty McFly?

Yes. This is discussed by the creator of Rick and Morty in the Back To The Future documentary that was released recently. See the Wikipedia article on Rick And Morty. The series has its origins in ...
Todd Wilcox's user avatar
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29 votes

What does it mean to be a show's "screech"?

Screech, as you pointed out, was a comic relief but somewhat annoying character from Saved By The Bell (1989-92). He was played by Dustin Diamond, an actor with a troubled history who would eventually ...
Johnny Bones's user avatar
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29 votes

What's the meaning of the sentence on Ariel's shirt?

These are references to Ariel's treasures in The Little Mermaid. Ariel has collected many things, each representing a special memory, adventure or a new discovery. She calls them her gadgets, gizmos, ...
Paulie_D's user avatar
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28 votes

Has a movie ever referred to a later movie?

In Pulp Fiction (1994), Uma Thurman plays the role of an actress / wife of a gangster, and speaks about one of the gigs she has starred in: It was show about a team of female secret agents called &...
Federico Poloni's user avatar
26 votes

Is the phrase "Zowie, I'm young!" a reference?

This is a good one. "Zowie!" is a thing that cowboys said in old westerns. Because they couldn't swear. Something like "todly-o" or "gorsh dam". It's a word that means "Huuray!". And it's also, a ...
SZCZERZO KŁY's user avatar
25 votes

Was this a movie reference when Tony said "happy trails, kid!" to Spider-Man?

Was this also a movie reference? Quite possibly! When performing a Google search using "happy trails movie", in the Images results, one of the thumbnails was of Alan Rickman in Die Hard. ...
Charles's user avatar
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25 votes

What were all the references in Deadpool 2?

There is a very good list by denofgeek: Early on, Wade discusses how horrible his father was. This is 2/3 on point to the comics. In the comics, there were three different takes on what Wade’s father ...
Ankit Sharma's user avatar
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25 votes

What is the reason behind this musical reference to Pinocchio in the Close Encounters main theme?

In an 1998 interview with Ian Lace, John Williams explained "In this spirit, the idea to incorporate When You Wish Upon A Star was Spielberg's. I think for him, it had something to do with the ...
Anne Daunted GoFundMonica's user avatar
25 votes

Meaning of "Never get involved in a land war in Asia" in The Princess Bride?

"Never fight a land war in Asia" is one of those weird aphorisms that is widely known, but on which nobody agrees who originally said it. It has variously been attributed to Bernard Montgomery (...
Charles E. Grant's user avatar
24 votes

Is there a certain comedian this South Park episode is referencing?

The cigarette he waves around, the crass misogynistic humor and intentionally insulting his audience until they leave the theater is all Andrew Dice Clay (only instead of the greaser look and NY ...
Walt's user avatar
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24 votes

Is Hunger Games Allegory for Donald Trump?

Did the cast or crew say that President Snow is supposed to represent Donald Trump? Jennifer Lawrence and her costars for Mockingjay, Part 2 did have a conversation with Entertainment Weekly where ...
Thunderforge's user avatar
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21 votes

What is the meaning behind Lisa Simpsons triangle shaped red eyes?

It's a reference to the CITGO sign Nothing says “Boston’’ quite like the iconic CITGO sign. The white sign, which today features a massive flashing red triangle, has loomed over 660 Beacon Street in ...
Ghoti and Chips's user avatar
21 votes

Has a movie ever referred to a later movie?

It never actually happened (unfortunately), but Spaceballs (1987) referred to its own sequel toward the end of the movie. (I searched for the clip, but could not find it.) Here is the dialog: Lone ...
John's user avatar
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21 votes

Is there mention of any of the modern gods in "Stargate SG-1"?

Yes: Satan (Christianity) and Nirrti (Hinduism) In season 3 episode Demons they encounter a medieval Catholic society. Carter: The UAV photos were right, there it is. Looks like a church. O'Neill: ...
Crazy Dino's user avatar
20 votes

What is the movie playing on TV on Logan and what is its connection to the film?

It's 1953's western film Shane. Confirmed on too And the full dialogue was: Shane: I gotta be going one. Joey: Why, Shane? Shane: A man has to be what ...
Ankit Sharma's user avatar
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20 votes

Identify reference: yelling "It's a cookbook!" when things are going crazy

What is "it's a good book" referring to? What is the joke? Unfortunately, you have been deceived by script-o-rama! The actual dialogue in the film is, It's a cookbook! It's a cookbook! ...
Charles's user avatar
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