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61 votes

What was so different about “Night of the Living Dead” from previous zombie movies?

“Night of the Living Dead” introduced the idea of independent, undead flesh eaters to the world which was the opposite of what zombies were thought of before this film. Prior to that film, zombies ...
Giacomo1968's user avatar
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Where did Bob Ross get his inspiration?

According to this Fox News article, he was inspired by the nature of Alaska: His pal Joan Kowalski, president of Bob Ross Inc., told Fox News that it was during the star’s time in the Air Force that ...
Etack Sxchange's user avatar
17 votes

What was so different about “Night of the Living Dead” from previous zombie movies?

Zombie movies, dating back to White Zombie (1932), typically featured reanimated corpses or hypnotized people who would walk around with a dazed look in their eyes. They were mindless, but ...
Johnny Bones's user avatar
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Who or what was the inspiration for Jessica Rabbit?

Rita Hayworth / Veronica Lake / Lauren Bacall The film's Director of Animation Richard Williams gave an interview where he talked about the basis for Jessica's characterisation on screen. In short, ...
Valorum's user avatar
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12 votes

Are Transformers robots?

The Transformers are "self-configuring sentient modular extraterrestrial robotic lifeforms", originating from the planet Cybertron. They are powered by 'Energon', a source of energy ubiquitous on the ...
Joachim's user avatar
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Why does Lucille Bluth's family call her "Gangie"?

Frannie Halcyon, one of the characters in Armistad Maupin's Further Tales of the City (1982), is called "Gangie" by her grandchildren: Little Edgar and his sister Anna ran across the brown ...
Michael Seifert's user avatar
8 votes

Why do criminals whistle after doing something?

TVTropes defines this as the Not-So-Innocent Whistle In media of all types, especially comics and cartoons, the "innocent" whistle is a main staple, often played for humor. Alice, feeling ...
m1gp0z's user avatar
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What was so different about “Night of the Living Dead” from previous zombie movies?

There is a long list of properties that zombies can have: Universal zombification: Something causes the dead to not stay dead. All corpses reanimate (although there may be some method, such as ...
Acccumulation's user avatar
5 votes

Has the authenticity of the Raiders story conference transcript ever been determined?

Here's an interview with Larry Kasdan at a Writer's Guild Conference in August 2016. At 4:40 the interviewer, John August mentions that we are all lucky enough to have seen the Raiders conference ...
MJ6's user avatar
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Were the 1934 St Louis Cardinals Team the Inspiration for Daffy Duck?

It would appear not. The name seems to have originated by his antics when audience saw him (before he had an official name) in the short Porky's Duck Hunt. Wikipedia Daffy first appeared in Porky's ...
Paulie_D's user avatar
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3 votes

Where does the "hooded hacker" cliché comes from?

It all went down (south?) from cyberpunk look1 to facebook look2. I believe that the cliché of the youngster anonymized by his hoodie is just because it's easy to picture the "underworld" (...
OldPadawan's user avatar
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3 votes

Origin of on-screen location sound in spy movies

Graphics styles change over the years; while they're popular, they usually refer to some currently popular theme or trope. Right from the 1950s and even up to the 80s & 90s, 'secret spy computers'...
Tetsujin's user avatar
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3 votes

Is there a source for the "Kleebob card game" gag George Burns used?

The gag was actually based on Sheepshead (aka Spitzer), a ridiculously complex card game, which in turn originated from the Bavarian "Schafkopf" card game. It's a "Trick Taking" ...
Johnny Bones's user avatar
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2 votes

Origin of on-screen location sound in spy movies

What you're looking for is called Telemetry. A short description is: Telemetry is an automated communications process by which measurements and other data are collected at remote or inaccessible ...
Johnny Bones's user avatar
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2 votes

What are the origins of the name 'Malekith'?

Just to sum it up: The Marvel Malekith has first appeared in 1984 in Thor #344. The Warhammer Malekith was first mentioned in the High Elves Army book in 1992, but he wasn't fully fleshed until 1995, ...
Yasskier's user avatar
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Where does "Gun Fu" fight choreography originate from?

The archetype for the idea likely comes from Equilibrium While there are interesting and related examples of Gun Fu in John Wick and The Raid, the movie that probably deserves the original idea ...
matt_black's user avatar
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Where does "Gun Fu" fight choreography originate from?

Whether or no one agrees with the supposition that true "gun fu" requires hand-to-hand combat involving guns for finishing moves, a major omission in the gun fu wiki is the Gareth Evans film ...
DukeZhou's user avatar
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Why does Lucille Bluth's family call her "Gangie"?

Names like these sometimes take on the pronunciation that a young child uses, which may not be perfect yet. This is actually the case in my family, where my great aunt is called "Bojja" because her ...
Flater's user avatar
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What are the origins of the name 'Malekith'?

I’ve been investigating and found two options. The dark elves, in norse mythology are called Svartálfar or Myrkálfar (the pronunciation in icelandic being something like “Mishkalath”, that means “...
Ignacio's user avatar
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What are the origins of the name 'Malekith'?

As an aside, even though the name is fictional "th" is actually common in Old Norse, despite the claims of a previous poster who is probably thinking of modern Nordic languages in ...
Beor's user avatar
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Is this quote originally from The Dark Knight?

I agree that it's almost difficult to believe, but sometimes Hollywood coins a phrase that really resonates. Another example of a phrase that everyone uses but which came from a modern day movie: &...
Django Reinhardt's user avatar

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