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36 votes

Why did the Constantine TV show go out of its way to never show the titular character smoking?

In the following article from Entertainment Weekly 'Constantine' team on why NBC character isn't bisexual, smoking cigarettes, the producers claim they could not glorify the character’s smoking due to ...
LLCoolJosh's user avatar
33 votes

Can time really slow down due to earth revolution?

If Supergirl and I travel around the globe in opposite directions at just over mach 7, we should be able to create enough centrifugal force to slow the Earth's rotation. Is it really possible to do ...
Paulie_D's user avatar
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30 votes

Why did the Constantine TV show go out of its way to never show the titular character smoking?

From Wikipedia: The show remains more faithful to the source material than the 2005 film, although on-screen depiction of Constantine's chain-smoking habit was said to be curtailed because of ...
Flater's user avatar
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24 votes

Are Barry Allen and Bruce Wayne from different Universes?

You are making so many assumptions here. To make it clear there are two major universes. The Arrowverse, which consists of the TV shows Arrow, The Flash, Legends of Tomorrow, Vixen and Supergirl (...
Ankit Sharma's user avatar
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21 votes

Who was this awkwardly excited girl at the wedding in Supergirl S03E08?

*Season 4 Finale Update The girl has revealed herself to be Nora West-Allen, the daughter of Barry & Iris although whether she follows the same story-line history as the comic version remains to ...
Paulie_D's user avatar
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16 votes

Tribute to Stan Lee in The Flash?

I'm going to go out on a limb and say no. Stan Lee died on 12 November, and the episode premiered in the US on 13 November. There is no way they could possibly have rushed out such an indirect, CG-...
F1Krazy's user avatar
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16 votes

Is there any significance to the Earths' numbers?

Earth 38: Supergirl Might be a nod to the debut of Superman (1938) as mentioned in another answer. Earth 16: Future Oliver The debut episode of future Oliver was in Legends of Tomorrow during first ...
Ankit Sharma's user avatar
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13 votes

Which episodes of Flash cross over with Arrow?

Arrow and The Flash are part of same canon called Arrowverse and have crossover almost every year and even more then once sometime: The Flash S01E01: It's Pilot for the Flash show and Arrow came for ...
Ankit Sharma's user avatar
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13 votes

More comic book accurate portrayal of Constantine

In general, the Arrowverse interpretation of Constantine is far more closely aligned to the comics than the movie version. Some of the key aspects where the movie diverges: Constantine is from ...
KutuluMike's user avatar
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12 votes

What are the different universes mentioned in Crisis on Infinite Earth?

Screenrant answered it pretty well: Earth 89: Tim Burton's Batman Movies Tim Burton's Batman films are represented in one quick cameo, which confirmed it as Earth-89. Danny Elfman's familiar Batman ...
Ankit Sharma's user avatar
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11 votes

Is the casting of Wentworth Miller and Dominic Purcell together in "The Flash" intentional?

From comments made by Wentorth Miller to Buzzfeed it looks like he was, at the very least, instrumental in recommending Dominic Purcell: Miller: During my first episode, in a conversation with [DC ...
Paulie_D's user avatar
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11 votes

Why did Non ask Lucy Lane not to release the White Martian?

First, why I don't believe they meant J'onn: In S01E17 (Manhunter), Colonel Harper approves his transfer to Project Cadmus, and en route J'onn is freed by Kara and Lucy. As far as we know, Non never ...
j4eo's user avatar
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Why doesn't Supergirl enlist Superman's help when all humanity is threatened in the season 1 finale?

When Non first set off his Myriad device, Superman did fly in to help. He was caught in the device's grip and turned into a slave like everyone else. It was hypothesized that being raised by humans ...
KutuluMike's user avatar
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What does the number 4587 mean in Legends of Tomorrow Arrowverse

Marc Guggenheim, the creator of Arrow and Legends of Tomorrow answered this on Twitter. @Iloveyoursoul I love the TV show, WISEGUY. 4587 was Vince Terranova's "ident code." Arrow & Legends both ...
phantom42's user avatar
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11 votes

Is Reverse Flash​ more powerful than Flash?

Eobard Thawne, the Reverse Flash, is the archenemy of the Flash. The TV show can never get rid of him entirely for this reason - they need someone who can challenge Barry step for step, and Thawne is ...
Dave's user avatar
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10 votes

When did Brandon Routh mention his time as Superman in The Flash?

From this Upon Ray Palmer's arrival Caitlin and Cisco have an exchange when they see something flying in the air. First asking if it's a bird, and then a plane, and Felicity replies that it's her ...
madmada's user avatar
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How did the Green Arrow's eyes become yellow in the final episode of Arrow season 4?

In Arrow S04E20 aka Genesis, a shaman named Fortuna explains that the idol channels darkness and death but it can be countered by opposing force that channels light and hope but during practice ...
Ankit Sharma's user avatar
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When did Black Canary get her "Canary Cry"?

The current Black Canary no longer has a "Canary Cry" device; she's a metahuman who can make that sound naturally. The device that Laurel used, called the Canary Cry, was given to her on an episode ...
KutuluMike's user avatar
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In the Supergirl TV series what are known powers/abilities of the Martian Manhunter?

Arrow Wikia, listed it quite well: Green Martian physiology: Like all Green Martians, J'onn possesses several incredible powers. Overall, J'onn is an extremely powerful being with even ...
Ankit Sharma's user avatar
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Who is Alice referring to when she was talking to Kate?

I believe the quote you are referencing is: "Tell us a story," said the March Hare. "Yes, please do," pled Alice, and so the Dormouse began "Once upon a time, there were 3 ...
Paulie_D's user avatar
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9 votes

Why is the insignia of House-of-El different in Superman's suit from that in Supergirl's suit?

Plausible reasons: Age difference. Either the symbol is different for children than it is for adults, and Clark has been using the child one because he doesn't know, or because Kara was already a teen/...
cde's user avatar
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9 votes

Why is Kara Zor-El called Kara Danvers and not Linda?

In-universe: this is unexplained, but sort of makes sense. Kara Zor-El arrives on Earth as 14 year-old girl. She's a newcomer on a strange planet, and is about to have a hell of a time learning to ...
phantom42's user avatar
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Why Does the Reverse Flash Vibrate?

Eobard Thawne chooses to vibrate for exactly the reasons you just said: to look scary and ominous. Additionally, he also does it in order to mask his identity- which Barry himself also does when he ...
coffeelover's user avatar
9 votes

Why does Iris West have purple lightning?

Yes but we don't know what it is yet. "There's a specific reason we designed the costume the way we did," executive producer Todd Helbing says. "There's a specific reason for the ...
Paulie_D's user avatar
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9 votes

Every Character and show referenced in Crisis On Infinite Earth?

You are missing out few, will try to answer in chronology: From Supergirl S05E08: Tim Burton's Batman Movies: Alexander Knox (Robert Wuhl) cameo who was the first to report upon The Joker's crimes ...
Ankit Sharma's user avatar
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Where does Elseworlds fit into Batwoman chronology?

After Batwoman S01E04 and before S01E05. From Caroline Dries's tweet After 104 we are officially caught up to Elseworlds! #batwoman Later Russ Burlingame continued: Because the writers wanted to ...
Ankit Sharma's user avatar
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8 votes

What happened to the child Barry Allen in The Flash S3 Premiere?

I answered a similar question on the sister site, but the really short answer is "The Speed Force" makes everything OK. Because it transcends time itself, a lot of "plot holes" in the story can be ...
KutuluMike's user avatar
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8 votes

Do the showrunners consider Supergirl and Constantine to be part of the Arrowverse?

The way they define the term, no; the way fans define the term, yes. There have been several cases where they producers have used the term "Arrowverse", or have otherwise described the "world" where ...
KutuluMike's user avatar
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