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26 votes

What does "Still tastes o'the head" mean?

Head is naval and boating slang for a toilet or bathroom. It derives from the days that the toilet was placed at the bow of the ship. "Young" is still drinking water at this stage of the ...
iandotkelly's user avatar
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7 votes

What's the significance of this seagull with missing eye?

Seagulls are believed to carry the souls of lost sailors.1 Therefor, killing one is supposed to bring bad luck (i.c. a storm). Pattinson's Ephraim shares similarities with the figure of Prometheus, ...
Joachim's user avatar
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6 votes

What do the tentacles signify in the movie "The Lighthouse"?

According to director Robert Eggers, Thomas (Willem Dafoe) represents Proteus, an old sea-god, who was called the "Old Man of the Sea". On some pictures he has snake or tentacle-like feet...
d4zed's user avatar
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2 votes

Interior of lighthouses in Shutter Island and The Lighthouse

As you can see from the image gallery when searching "Lighthouse Interior", there are many which share the same staircase feature.
Johnny Bones's user avatar
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