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32 votes

Why did Darth Sidious wait to execute Order 66?

There are a couple of reasons why Darth Sidious didn't execute order 66 at the First Battle of Geonosis: He was waiting for all the Jedi to be in different places. That way they wouldn't have time to ...
A J's user avatar
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23 votes

How does the title "Revenge of the Sith" suit the plot?

The Sith used to rule the galaxy before the Republic and the Jedi Order overthrew them. This is what the Sith are taking revenge for in Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith. As you could hear it from Master ...
user10191234's user avatar
18 votes

Why did Darth Sidious wait to execute Order 66?

At the time of the Battle of Geonosis, the Jedi were revered as peacekeepers in the Republic. If Sidious had ordered the deaths of all the Jedi on Geonosis, he would have revealed himself as an enemy ...
Null's user avatar
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12 votes

Who is the one person's name achieved cheating death...?

Darth Plagueis The Wise There is a scene earlier in the movie about this: Palpatine: Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis The Wise? Anakin: No? Palpatine: I thought not. It’s not a story ...
Clément Malet's user avatar
11 votes

Why did Anakin betray the republic despite promising he won't

Short answer: If you read the script, it's not that hard to piece together. He never was anti republic, he just thought the republic would fall in line under the chancellor. He was anti Jedi, but ...
userLTK's user avatar
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10 votes

Why does Padmé cry during Order 66?

According to Wookieepedia, Padmé was unaware of the true circumstances, but was upset because she clearly could see the Jedi Temple burning in the distance and knew Anakin was suppose to be at the ...
Darth Locke's user avatar
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9 votes

Why is Yoda surprised?

Your arrogance blinds you, Master Yoda. And Yoda’s suprise is realization that indeed it has. I always thought this was a higher tier version of Anakin vs. Obi wan. And as Anakin accused Obi of ...
SZCZERZO KŁY's user avatar
8 votes

How many of the 66 were saved?

Palpatine orders all his followers/Stormtroopers to execute all 66 You misheard... The quote is.. Execute Order 66 Order 66 was an event at the end of the ...
Paulie_D's user avatar
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8 votes

Why is Yoda surprised?

I always felt that this scene visualizes for a viewer how weak and arrogant the Jedi have become. They didn't have any powerful foes for so long that they became too sure about themselves. Even the ...
aszuflicki's user avatar
6 votes

Why is Yoda surprised?

I think the main reason for Yoda being caught off-guard is that he simply wasn't expecting to start fighting so quickly. As shown in the first screenshot of the OP, Yoda was in no kind of fighting ...
Charles's user avatar
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6 votes

How does the title "Revenge of the Sith" suit the plot?

It is related to the Star Wars' Expanded Universe. Long story short: There was only Jedi Order A group of radical Jedi wants to use negative emotion such as anger, envy, and selfishness as a source ...
Yu Zhang's user avatar
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5 votes

High ground in Star Wars

There might be a conclusion here, that Obi-Wan knows how someone can jump from the lower ground to kill someone who is at higher ground, so he knows how to protect yourself from that move as well.
TK-421's user avatar
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5 votes

How does the clone trooper recognize Darth Sidious to execute Order 66?

But how does the Commander know that "the dude" with the hoodie was Palpatine or did he already know Darth Sidious? He didn't need to... Obeying Order 66 was pre-progammed into all clones of which ...
Paulie_D's user avatar
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3 votes

Why is Yoda surprised?

TL;DR: Because the prequels are trying to make a point about the Jedi's failures in part through the hierarchy of the Jedi Order, in which Grand Master Yoda sits atop as the Jedi's primary leader. I ...
Darth Locke's user avatar
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3 votes

Why was C-3PO's memory wiped while R2-D2's was not?

A memory wipe was a method that was used to selectively or completely erase the memory of a droid. After Cad Bane had kidnapped and ransacked the memory of C-3PO and R2-D2 for information on the ...
Darth Locke's user avatar
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2 votes

Why was C-3PO's memory wiped while R2-D2's was not?

The answer to this question should be fairly obvious to anyone who has watched all the movies. Star Wars (later re-titled A New Hope, Episode 4) was the first movie released. At that time they ...
David Horn's user avatar
1 vote

Why was Anakin Skywalker taken to the Grand Medical Facility on planet Coruscant?

The very prominent reason might be because the Emperor knew that Anakin would last the time back to Coruscant (they literally jumped to lightspeed), also because Coruscant was the capital of the ...
Dhanishtha Ghosh's user avatar
1 vote

Why did Anakin and Obi-wan need to blow up Invisible Hand’s hangar shield to land inside?

Per the script, the ship lowered its ray-shields (shields capable of repelling incoming energy and matter) to allow the droid tri-fighters to leave the hangar. It presumably raised them again shortly ...
Valorum's user avatar
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1 vote

Was Mace Windu falling into the Dark Side?

I think the prequels contest perspectives of the Force through failures in the current mainstream Jedi philosophy, which is not necessarily either entirely their fault and/or that there are not ...
Darth Locke's user avatar
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