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32 votes

Why did Darth Sidious wait to execute Order 66?

There are a couple of reasons why Darth Sidious didn't execute order 66 at the First Battle of Geonosis: He was waiting for all the Jedi to be in different places. That way they wouldn't have time to ...
A J's user avatar
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18 votes

Why did Darth Sidious wait to execute Order 66?

At the time of the Battle of Geonosis, the Jedi were revered as peacekeepers in the Republic. If Sidious had ordered the deaths of all the Jedi on Geonosis, he would have revealed himself as an enemy ...
Null's user avatar
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In the Attack of the Clones poster made by Drew Struzan, why is Count Dooku/Darth Tyranus not included in the poster?

He's definitely the bad guy — but even if it's a great character (played by a great actor), don't forget that: He doesn't get too much screen time. There's an important plot twist revealing his "dark"...
VoT's user avatar
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Why didn’t Anakin stay with Padme on Geonosis?

Situations and priorities change. Dooku was about to escape, and Obi-Wan and Anakin were the nearest Jedi. Padme was relatively safe, away from the battle, and had clone troopers nearby. Even if the ...
HorusKol's user avatar
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Why did Anakin & Padme risk having their forbidden marriage witnessed?

I think the answer to this is obvious: they needed the man there at the wedding so that he could actually perform the wedding ceremony. They could do it all themselves, but it wouldn't have been ...
F1Krazy's user avatar
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Why did Anakin & Padme risk having their forbidden marriage witnessed?

Yes they are breaking Jedi rules but no others. If you want to get married (even in secret) then someone has to make it official or "proper" be it a priest, other religious official or ...
Paulie_D's user avatar
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Did Anakin share his Qui-Gon experience in Attack Of The Clones?

During his life time, Qui-Gon Jinn did learn about how to manifest his consciousness after death. Sometime during his life, Jinn began discovering the secrets to manifesting his consciousness after ...
Darth Locke's user avatar
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Why didn’t Anakin stay with Padme on Geonosis?

If you remember from the beginning, mace windu said we are keepers of the peace not security. This was in response to palpatine asking for protection for padme. Reluctantly the council sent Anakin and ...
Ace Cabbie's user avatar

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