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57 votes

How do they get very young child actors to cooperate?

It's part timing, part cajoling and part luck. I don't know the specific laws for other countries, but in the UK, children under 5 can only be "at work" for a maximum of 5 hours a day, ...
Tetsujin's user avatar
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27 votes

How do they get very young child actors to cooperate?

As WC Fields would say, “Never work with children or animals”. They are unpredictable and the steal the scene. A photographer friend of mine once said that timing is everything. You can direct adults ...
Dean F.'s user avatar
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22 votes

How do they get very young child actors to cooperate?

My memory is that a number of play scenes in Kindergarten Cop (1990) with Arnold Schwarzenegger were filmed unstructured, simply with the kids left to be kids and the actors given 5 guidelines: (...
Criggie's user avatar
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7 votes

Why so many writers for "Land of the Lost"?

This is/was entirely normal. It's likely that the writers were only responsible for writing perhaps a single episode or two...or perhaps just consulted on script/story re-writes. See the same list ...
Paulie_D's user avatar
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2 votes

Why does the boom operator have to hold the boom mic by hand?

I am the woman from the picture. Record as many separate tracks as you wish with one live mixed master. Give your editors as much as possible to work with. Lavs pick up clothing noise and are ...
Megan's user avatar
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1 vote

Why some TV shows like morning shows have no ending credits?

Probably time-constraints An article on, Networks celebrate the holidays by paying tribute to their teams, gives a brief explanation about end-credits: Some newscasts, stations ...
Longshanks's user avatar
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