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Questions tagged [anime]

Referring to Japanese style of animation and English term for animated series originating in Japan. To be used only on questions specifically about the intricies of anime, not on general questions about specific animes.

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2 votes
1 answer

Does anyone know what’s the earliest surviving Japanese animated sound film?

I do know The Neighbor's Wife and Mine is the earliest surviving Japanese live action sound film but I couldn’t find anything that mentions the earliest surviving Japanese animated sound film.
RKV's user avatar
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1 answer

Why is it that Anime triumphs over conventional films in Japan?

The list of highest-grossing films in Japan shows that 9/10 of the top Japanese films with the most sales are Anime. What are the reasons that make that kind of art so successful?
FriedLizard01's user avatar
5 votes
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What is magenta shadow in anime and what does it mean?

This question has haunted me for a long time! I was trying to search for anything I could find, but I have not found the answer. In anime, there are moments where the "camera" gets a weird ...
Duckrinium's user avatar
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Character names changed while dubbing

Yesterday while I was watching Scooby-Doo, I deliberately changed the language settings from English to Hindi (popular Indian language) to have some fun. But throughout the telecast I noticed that ...
Dhanishtha Ghosh's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Are the Studio Ghibli films on HBO Max uncut? [closed]

Are the Studio Ghibli films recently made available for streaming on HBO Max uncut?
orome's user avatar
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0 votes
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Identifying inspiration among Black Mirror episode and Sword Art Online

I just watched 'Black Mirror' episode 4 of season 3 (11 episode of whole) titled 'San Junipero' Lots of concepts were similar to the last quarter of 'Sword Art Online' anime 'Mother Rosario' Using ...
mpasko256's user avatar
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3 votes
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Is Lucy's pose from anime?

In Twin Peaks season 2, episode 21 Lucy gives a pose to the beauty pageant judges. She puts her finger to her cheek. I've seen this pose and similar in anime but this episode was aired in 1991 where I ...
Oni's user avatar
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26 votes
4 answers

Why do anime "spell everything out" for the audience?

Even for anime that target adult audiences (and thus may have higher level thinking/awareness than perhaps younger audiences), whenever there's a significant plot development, the anime characters ...
Charles's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Identify anime robot show from 80s/ early 90s, song sounds like Silver Surfer? [closed]

Okay, I'm getting insane from this. I have this theme song from my childhood stuck in my head and vague memories of anime movie/tv show. Theme song goes something like this and I remember only refrain:...
jo1storm's user avatar
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17 votes
1 answer

Identify this animated movie about humans, trolls/goblins, and villainous aliens? [closed]

Ah, I need help finding an animated movie I watched a whole bunch as lil kid in the 2000’s so this movie probably goes back from the 80’s to the early 2000’s. It’s really all about these trolls or ...
Brianna Rodgers's user avatar
5 votes
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Why do some animes end up with filler episodes?

It is a very common occurrence for an anime to end up with what are known as "filler episodes," i.e. episodes that don't progress the story at all. I know that generally these end up happening when ...
DForck42's user avatar
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4 answers

What characteristics tie anime styles together?

Anime seems to be a broad subject, but it also tends to be fairly easy to identify something as anime, even if it is dubbed very well. The only exception that I can personally think of where it's ...
DForck42's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Post Apocalyptic and disturbing Anime from my childhood [closed]

In my childhood, like 10 years ago I watched an anime, not a series I think, it was a movie. All I can remember that it was very disturbing. I remember some details like there was a virus or ...
Kristian Palfi's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Japanese animated movie (1940s, '50s or '60s?) about boy surrounded by magical beings [closed]

A long time ago in a galaxy far away, in the early 1960s I was around 5 or 6. Back in the day, during the day, old movies would be played on the television. There weren't too many channels, but we had ...
ahavoc's user avatar
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9 votes
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What is the name of this anime movie set in the 1960 with an alternative history plot? [closed]

Okay, I remember seeing this movie on the TV in some channel back in 2000 on a Saturday night. The anime movie is basically set somewhere during 60's. But, it has an alternative history plot than our ...
Frosty The DopeMan's user avatar
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Kids TV show on Animax with a red bird [closed]

I am looking for a name of a kids TV show. I used to watch it on Animax about 6-10 years ago (I am not sure). It was about this bird which used to draw himself with this big pencil on the beginning. I ...
Alica's user avatar
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1 answer

70s or 80s anime movie with robot mammoth [closed]

I remember watching an anime movie in the 80s that had one particular scene towards the end where the main characters had to face a giant robotic mammoth. There was lots of snow and ice around, and ...
memnoch.jones's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

What is the symbolism behind the colour change of characters while thinking?

In Death Note, people's eye and hair colour change when they are shown talking to themselves or thinking. Light changes to red colour, L to blue shade, Matsuda to yellow and Misa with lighter blue ...
Ankit Sharma's user avatar
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A term for a animation style used in anime

I'm watching some anime on netflix. Is there a term for when the characters get real emotional they are suddenly animated as cutesy almost childlike versions of themselves? Then they go right back? ...
Mr. Manager's user avatar
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Steampunk movie about Demons [closed]

This Movie or series has a few key points. I want to remember the name of it badly since I liked it so much years ago. any help would be appreciated set in a Steampunk world, dull, rainy. Humans ...
Jack's user avatar
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2 answers

What is the name of a movie on [adult swim] where children run around an empty Tokyo-esque city? [closed]

I remember watching a Japanese anime movie on [adult swim] years ago about a group of children wandering around a city that resembles Tokyo, with lion statues and torii. I've looked through this list ...
NobleUplift's user avatar
13 votes
1 answer

Apprentice magician kidnaps people to turn them into human-shaped building blocks [closed]

I have a memory of watching a movie on TV when I was a kid. I wasn't familiar with anime at the time, but looking back I believe it was anime. I would have watched it sometime between 1982 and 1986 on ...
Jon Capps's user avatar
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13 votes
4 answers

What is the origin of Harem Anime?

Harem Anime is comprised of the following concepts: akward, underconfident or extremely hard headed boy lots of girls that want him, but never quite get him action involving the boy saving the girl ...
user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Tobasco ice-cream and air warriors in an (Anime?) animated movie? [closed]

When I was a child, we rented a children's movie one day from Jumbo Video during the 1980's. My mother slept through it, but my sister and I watched it. It was definitely animated, and may have been ...
Synetech's user avatar
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4 answers

Anime where pilot phases through a mountain to reach his mecha [closed]

Can anybody help identify this anime series with a fighting robot? Two specifics stood out in my mind (which hopefully doesn't indicate my remembering two different series): The boy who controlled ...
Andrei Freeman's user avatar