Why did George Lucas change it so Greedo shot first?
Yes, the rumors about this are, that Lucas added Greedo shooting first, to make Han look less cold-blooded. You have answered your question yourself - "Shooting Greedo in self-defense did not ...
In what ways was "Star Wars" influenced by "The Hidden Fortress"?
As you mention the allusions between Tahei & Matashichi and R2-D2 & C-3PO seem to be the most obvious, but the way the film is cut/executed is also similar.
“The one thing I was really ...
Was George Lucas inspired by philosophy of Buddhism or other philosophy to write the Star wars Scripts?
It seems he took references from all religions and amalgamated into the movie.
From Bill Moyers' interview with George Lucas,
Bill Moyers: Have you been influenced by Buddhism, because “Star Wars” ...
A J♦
- 58k
Why did George Lucas change it so Greedo shot first?
It is worth noting that George Lucas claims that Han never shot first:
The controversy over who shot first, Greedo or Han Solo, in Episode IV, what I did was try to clean up the confusion, but ...
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