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Questions tagged [the-equalizer]

2014 American action thriller about a mysterious ex-government agent going against the Russian mafia in order to help a teenage prostitute. Based on a TV series of the same name from the 80s.

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-3 votes
2 answers

Why say "she broke my heart" if the person died?

In the movie Equalizer, when he is asked if he was married he says he was. Then asked if he broke her heart to which Denzel says she broke mine. But in the second one when he meets his friend she ...
shauna frissora's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Why was Slavi continuously changing his position?

The Equalizer: Fighting a Russian Gang (DENZEL WASHINGTON FIGHT SCENE | With Captions I observe from this scene that Slavi changes his position throughout the conversation. I.e., he is saying/doing ...
user366312's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

What is Alina's book at the end of The Equalizer?

At the end of The Equalizer Alina shows McCall a book and the following is said: Um. I'm reading now. Oh, no Yeah! Very good. I know. I got it from a used book store. The guy there recommended it to ...
AnnanFay's user avatar
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Denzel's Russian in "The Equalizer"

Can anyone tell me what Denzel says to the Russian mobster (at 33:11), after shoving the corkscrew through his lower jaw up to his mouth, and after counting "1/1000"? He says something which I ...
Beau Peep's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Why is the movie The Equalizer named as such?

I am wondering why The Equalizer was named as such. In my opinion, the Equalizer is someone who makes things "equal", but what he does is more like a vigilante or a punisher.
Yu Zhang's user avatar
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10 votes
4 answers

How did Robert McCall "die"?

In the first Equalizer movie, mention was made of a car bomb. She said, "Oh, no. Not Robert. And not from something as trivial as a car bomb. " But in the sequel, Dave says something to the ...
rosends's user avatar
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2 answers

Is this "gun stealing technique" realistic?

In the movie The Equalizer (2014) the protagonist manages to steal the gun a bad guy is pointing at him with a cool sleight of hand. Does this move make any sense (is it a known technique?) or in ...
Reginald Kincaid's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

What is the book that Denzel Washington is talking about in The Equalizer?

In the movie The Equalizer (2014), there is the following conversation: Teri: What's your book about? Robert McCall: It's about a guy who is a knight in shining armor, except he lives in a world ...
Sudsy1002's user avatar
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1 answer

Similarities between "The Equalizer" and "Hitman: Absolution"

I was wondering that the movie The Equalizer is so much like the game Hitman: Absolution, like the way the protagonist kills and the music. Especially the one track that plays right after Pushkin dies ...
Hitman2847's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Did Robert come out of retirement?

During the movie we see Robert, a regular guy who likes to be neat. We find out that he is a retired bad-ass of some type. At the end of the movie, we see him back in the diner, but this time he is ...
DustinDavis's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

Why does McCall time himself with the stopwatch in a lot of scenes?

In the movie "The Equalizer", why does McCall time himself with the stopwatch in a lot of scenes, what's the benefit of that? Like when Nikolai showed up at his front door.
Omar's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Reason behind Robert McCall's fake death

In The Equalizer, when McCall visits Plummer's house, Brian Plummer says; -You had a nice funeral, in case you were wondering. Why McCall's death was faked? Even Susan didn't know it, What was ...
FaizanHussainRabbani's user avatar
12 votes
6 answers

What is the significance of the little Russian kid story?

In a scene of The Equalizer where Robert McCall (Denzel Washington) is sitting in a restaurant in front of Teddy (Marton Csokas) McCall tells him a story he heard from a Russian officer. The story ...
Songo's user avatar
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