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Questions tagged [person-of-interest]

An American sci-fi crime drama television series created by Jonathan Nolan. The series is about John Reese, a former CIA officer who is recruited by Harold Finch, a mysterious billionaire, to prevent violent crimes in New York City.

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11 votes
1 answer

Plume de Nom, rather than Nom de Plume

What does Harold Finch mean when he says: It's written on this. My plume de nom, rather than nom de plume. This scene occurs in Person of Interest, season 1, episode 10 at 34 minutes, and 58 seconds ...
FromTheStackAndBack's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

Did Greer really corrupt Samaritan?

In the TV show Person of Interest, in Season 5 episode 12, when Harold and Greer are talking, there is a very interesting dialog between them: Harold: Samaritan's code was conceived by Arthur ...
Thomas Belichick's user avatar
2 votes
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Why was the Samaritan facility in South Africa instead of somewhere much closer?

Why was the Samaritan facility in South Africa, instead of somewhere much, much closer? Greer would have to be flying for 14 hours 35 minutes from New York to Johannesburg, each way, frequently—at ...
user24353's user avatar
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In "Mission Creep" (season 1, episode 3), why was it worth it to Sam Latimer to do what he did regarding his own men?

In "Mission Creep" (season 1, episode 3), why was it worth it to Sam Latimer (--SPOILER--) to kill off his own men every few months to avoid turnover? If it's not the kind of gang that ...
user24353's user avatar
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Who was Harold Finch's father?

Is there any explanation of who was Harold Finch's father? Based on feeds that machine presents in the series, they were living in a suburban home, remote from crowded locations or even other houses. ...
raiym's user avatar
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How did Reese's father die?

In Person Of Interest's final episode, the Machine, while fading away from the viral attack, talks to Harold and explains some key lessons it learned about people. One of the stories it tells, to ...
matt_black's user avatar
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Why does Reese get cleaned up?

In the pilot episode of Person Of Interest, we first meet John Reese as a depressed, possibly suicidal, messed up tramp. He has long dirty and unkempt hair and old, ragged clothes. After the incident ...
matt_black's user avatar
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Why not save John Reese with the help of the same Thornhill snipers from the same episode who helped earlier?

In Season 5 episode 3 of Person of Interest Fusco and Reese were saved by snipers who as Finch described were hired by Thornhill (the Machine). So the question is, is there any rational explanation of ...
raiym's user avatar
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How did Root find out about the Machine and Finch?

How was Root able to understand that the Machine exists in the first place in Person of Interest? I can't remember that it was revealed in any episode.
raiym's user avatar
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Who is Greer talking to in Episode 19, Season 2?

Towards the end of the Person of Interest Season 2 episode “Trojan Horse” (E19), Greer is shown talking to someone on the phone. It sounds like he is making an update to someone else. Who is the ...
invnible's user avatar
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How medically accurate is this quote from Person of Interest?

In the TV drama Person Of Interest Season 2 Episode 15 (Title: Booked Solid), former CIA agent Reese encounters another agent Hershe and a fight ensues which later leads to a knife fight. Reese ...
Nubcake's user avatar
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What's the status of the Thornhill corporation?

Spoilers for the whole show! In Person of Interest, near the end of season 2, the Machine forms and uses the Thornhill persona and the Thornhill Corporation, which manages a workaround for the ...
Chiffa's user avatar
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What were Category III threats?

Immediately after Control was ordered to shut down the program in Person of Interest, she could be seen sadly looking at a folder labeled "Category IV - threats relevant to national security." What ...
EJoshuaS - Stand with Ukraine's user avatar
11 votes
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How did the Machine win against Samaritan within the satellite?

When Root sets up a virtual battleground inside a laptop, Samaritan had won in every battle-simulation and the Machine had a winning count of zero simulations. However, during the final battle after ...
Simpleton's user avatar
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Why did Harold, John, and Root continue to use the subway tunnel after Shaw was captured?

In Person of Interest, the team continues to use the subway tunnel as a "base of operations" even after Shaw is captured by Samaritan operatives. Given that they almost certainly would've interrogated ...
EJoshuaS - Stand with Ukraine's user avatar
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How did the Machine correlate data over time if its memories were being erased?

In the TV series, Person of Interest, Harold Finch claims that, at one point, most of the Machine's memories were erased at midnight in order to keep it from becoming too powerful. If that's the case,...
EJoshuaS - Stand with Ukraine's user avatar
8 votes
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What is Lionel Fusco's actual rank in Person of Interest?

In the pilot, the corrupt prosecutor Diane Hansen refers to Lionel Fusco as Officer following his testimony at her trial. He's later referred to as a Detective throughout most of the series. However, ...
EJoshuaS - Stand with Ukraine's user avatar
8 votes
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Does the Machine remember already reported numbers?

If the machine from Person of Interest remembers absolutely nothing over midnight, shouldn't it repeatedly report the same (both relevant and irrelevant) social security numbers every day (to Finch ...
Mark Ripley's user avatar
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What was the deal between the Machine and John?

In the last episode of Person of Interest, we see that Harold decides to go on top of a building to upload the Machine's copy on a satellite. He knows that whoever uploads the copy of the Machine will ...
Panther's user avatar
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Why does Harold choose to lock down the machine again?

In Person Of Interest, Harold designs an AI that can predict crime and terrorism. He "locks down" the machine because he cannot foresee the consequences of its growing intelligence and because he ...
matt_black's user avatar
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Why does the machine give the number of Terry Easton?

In Season 5 Episode 9 of Person of Interest, Reese was following Terry Easton, a locksmith, as he had received his number. He finds him with an active bomb and takes him to the precinct. At the same ...
Panther's user avatar
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Why does Team Machine need to save the Machine instead of creating a new

In Person of Interest, we know that the Machine is created by Harold. The power only comes to the machine by getting data from feeds, otherwise, the logic/structure was provided by Harold. So why are ...
Panther's user avatar
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Why do Harold and John mostly keep the same first name for their aliases?

I have noticed the aliases used by Harold in Person of Interest: Harold Finch Harold Crane ("Risk", "Triggerman", "Critical", "Til Death") Harold Crow ("Identity Crisis") Harold Gull ("Proteus") ...
Panther's user avatar
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Why does Root refer to the Machine as "She", not "He"?

This previous question about Person of Interest already asked why everyone else but Root called the Machine "she" rather than "it". But in this question I'm more concerned about why Root actually ...
Panther's user avatar
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Why was there no secret identity or blindspot created for Detective Fusco?

When Samaritan goes online in Person of Interest, the Machine creates 7 secret identities and Root accquires 7 servers to make a blindspot to save people related to the Machine. Below are the seven ...
Panther's user avatar
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Why does John Reese mostly wear a suit

I understand that John Reese from Person of Interest was a CIA operative and FBI and CIA operatives wear suits. And CIA operatives are mostly shown wearing the same kind of suit. Still, he got famous ...
Panther's user avatar
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How did Finch and Reese know that Hersh is going to poison Shaw

In Person of Interest Season 2 Episode 16 "Relevance", Hersh grabs Shaw from behind and injects her with poison and she collapses. Later, Carter and Fusco tell the officer on the scene that it was an ...
Panther's user avatar
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10 votes
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Why doesn't the machine share the SSNs of important characters like Tyrell?

In Person of Interest season 1 episode 20 "Matsya Nyay", Kara gives a bad tip to Mark Snow to lure Mark and Tyrell to a hotel. There she kills Tyrell and kidnaps Agent Snow. This is a pre-planned ...
Panther's user avatar
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Is the Joker mask used in the prank an homage to The Dark Knight?

In Person of Interest Season 1 episode 20, "Matsya Nyaya", John went undercover as a rookie under Tommy Clay. This episode is mostly themed about robbery and teammates killing each other. Like Tommy ...
Panther's user avatar
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Why does Elias' younger version look more like Anthony rather than Elias?

In Season 1 Episode 19 "Flesh_and_Blood" of Person of Interest, we see Elias in flashback scenes. His style of standing, way of talking, hair style and face resembles Anthony (Elias' foster brother, ...
Panther's user avatar
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5 votes
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Person of Interest S02E09: Paid in "half"?

In Person of Interest S02E09 "C.O.D.", a cab driver is paid for a getaway. The perp pays him $500 in cash, tearing the bills in half and promising to hand over the rest upon services rendered. Is this ...
emdash's user avatar
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Finch's actions in Person of Interest S3E20

At the end of S3E20 ("Death Benefit"), and made clear in S3E21, Finch peaces out for a while. Why does he do this? He stated he'd be out if Reese killed the senator, but near the very end of that ...
Jason C's user avatar
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Why does Samaritan need permission to access the feeds?

At the end of season 3 of Person of Interest, we see how the new rival AI Samaritan needs access to the government feeds. Greer explicitly asks Senator Garrison for permission to access them in ...
cholo14's user avatar
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What stops government from turning off the feeds?

The two warring AIs in Person Of Interest rely on NSA government surveillance feeds for their ability to predict terrorist and criminal activity. Samaritan relies on the feeds to control and ...
matt_black's user avatar
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16 votes
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What is the significance of the password?

In Person Of Interest S05E12, the password to Ice-9 is Dashwood. What is its significance? Was this ever mentioned before in the series? Basically what is Dashwood?
pradyot's user avatar
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How did Finch's cover identity get blown?

In Person of Interest, in "The Day The World Went Away", Finch's cover identity is exposed after he visited a cafe he brought Grace to. How did Samaritan establish the link between Professor Whistler ...
casvaart's user avatar
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Can Samaritan really find The Machine with this method?

I am trying to understand why Samaritan runs the simulation in Person Of Interest Season 5 Episode 4 as it does. From here on forwards Finch, Reese and Root will be referred to as "FRR". We see "X" ...
j4rey's user avatar
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A main character with no screen time in one episode!

I noticed that in some TV shows, there is this one episode where they don't show one of the main actors, like he was never there to begin with. An example of this is in Person of Interest, in the ...
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Why does the Machine remember everything?

In S05E02 of Person of Interest we saw that the Machine remembers 42 removals. But we know from previous seasons that all data was deleted at midnight. Is there any explanation for this?
raiym's user avatar
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What is the significance of "6,741", the title of an upcoming episode in the fifth season of Person of Interest?

According to this Wikia article Jonathan Nolan and Greg Plageman mentioned that their favouite episode of Person of Interest is the upcoming season 5's 4th episode named "6,741". Is there any hidden ...
appukrb's user avatar
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Why do some characters call the Machine "she"?

On Person of Interest, most people on Team Machine refer to it as "she". To me, that's sort of clear for Root, not so clear for Finch and even less clear for others. Why do they do that? P.S. I don't ...
Chiffa's user avatar
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Why does John Reese always speak with such a low voice volume?

I've been watching Person of Interest and couldn't help but notice how quiet John's voice is. So my question is: why? Is it to make the character appear more professional or something? Is the ...
Advicer's user avatar
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Why is Samaritan smarter than the Machine?

I am watching Person of Interest season 4, episode 10 -- The Cold War, where Samaritan beat the Machine. Why can Samaritan do things that the Machine can't? Why must Finch, Root, Reese, Shaw and ...
raiym's user avatar
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What servers does Samaritan run on?

In Person of Interest, the Machine is shown to be running on a on IFT Sabre Blade 2437 servers which are renamed Dell PowerEdge SC1425 servers. At the end of season 3 we can see server farms with ...
Chiffa's user avatar
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What is meant by "I had to invent new rules"?

In Person of Interest episode YHWH (Season 4 finale), there is a heartbreaking dialogue between Finch and the machine, where the machine states I had to invent new rules. What exactly is meant by ...
Markus Klein's user avatar
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What deal does Finch make with H.R. In "Person of Interest"?

In Season 1 Episode 19 of "Person of Interest", Elias kidnaps Carter's son, so Finch goes to Officer Simmons, who is part of H.R., a group of corrupt cops who are working with Elias at the ...
Keshav Srinivasan's user avatar
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Who was the caller in the episode "Last Call" (S03E15)

In the Person of Interest episode S03E15, the POI was Sandra Nicholson, who works in a 911-dial in station. She was forced by a caller to delete calls from a certain date from the server. At the end ...
Markus Klein's user avatar
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Why was there a POI mismatch in Episode S01E05?

In Person of Interest Episode E01E05, Reese and Finch did observe judge Sam Gates at the beginning. However, the Person of Interest was his son, whose name is the same. How could that happen? As we ...
Markus Klein's user avatar
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Why hasn't Team Machine told Control who was really behind Vigilance?

In the finale of Season 3 of Person of Interest, it was revealed to Team Machine and to the audience that Decima Technologies was behind Vigilance, and that they planned the bombing in the courtroom. ...
Markus Klein's user avatar
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Why does the mugger that Finch pays off react this way?

This is about the 2nd last scene in season 4 episode 6 of Person of Interest, where Finch is paying off the mugger. I understand why the mugger is agitated at Finch given the umbrella takedown, but ...
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