In Rogue One (2016), when transitioning to the planet Jedha, there's shown an extremely large, fallen statue of someone.
Who is this a statue of, what's their significance, and why is it now in ruins?
In Rogue One (2016), when transitioning to the planet Jedha, there's shown an extremely large, fallen statue of someone.
Who is this a statue of, what's their significance, and why is it now in ruins?
According to the Starwars Wikia:
That is an un-named Jedi.
I believe the point of this shot is to show 2 things:
As more of the galaxy was mapped, more direct hyperspace routes were discovered. These new passages made the old, winding routes, such as those connecting with Jedha, obsolete. The once-popular Jedha became an antiquated curiosity rather than a relevant destination, a location for those who desired spiritual guidance, a deeper purpose, or to simply exile themselves from the larger galaxy.