In the movie Jurassic Park, What was the Dilophosaurus made of? Neither can I make it out be an animatronic robot like T-Rex/Triceratops nor a human costume like Velociraptor (since it was very small). Was it CGI, although it looked real?

  • 3
    Of course you can't make it out to be an animatronic or CGI, the movie didn't get its effects Oscar for nothing. ;-) Commented Dec 2, 2013 at 10:40
  • :) I thought it was coz of the ingenious "Shaving cream cryo can embryo storage" that they won it!
    – user5722
    Commented Dec 2, 2013 at 11:03

1 Answer 1


Its achieved by Animatronic robot. Click here for full details with picture, to know how it is achieved. Few more picture of Dilophosaurus's making are present here.

  • and here I was looking for the clues in "legacy studios" website... Thanks
    – user5722
    Commented Dec 2, 2013 at 10:58

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