In the last episodes of South Park we all can see that Trump aka Mr. Garrison became president. This is exactly what happened in the US. I think that Matt and Trey are smart enough for a competent guess of the outcome but of course they could have just made multiple versions for every possible outcome. Does anyone know facts about that?


2 Answers 2


South Park's production process is well-known, you'll only need to watch the documentary 6 Days to Air:

The film follows the show's hectic, rushed six-day production schedule, in which a 22-minute episode is completed just hours before its original air date.

(This is a quote from Wikipedia.)

Matter of fact, for this season's first episode they experienced a major malfunction mere hours before airtime:

“Member Berries” was broadcast at 10 p.m. on Sept. 14, but hardly without last-minute incident. That morning, South Park Studios suffered a system crash, and the episode’s audio went missing for an hour and a half.

When the episode was transmitted to Comedy Central, it had a mystery six-frame sync problem that was finally fixed and delivered one hour before airtime.

Moreover, there is evidence that for last week's episode the makers had featured a Clinton win, with the original synopsis being:

The new administration has plans for Gerald on an all-new episode of South Park titled "The Very First Gentleman" on Wednesday, November 9 at 10:00 p.m. ET/PT on Comedy Central. PC Principal tries one more time to make peace between the boys and the girls. Meanwhile, Gerald comes face-to-face with the Troll Hunter.

Note the title of the episode.


They failed on this particular episode. They planned a Clinton victory and had to rewrite a few scenes to make it match with Trump's victory. But for Obama's election, they had better luck back in 2008.

You can see that these episodes are written in a way that the winner can be changed quite easily. Very few scenes show or speak about who wins the election.

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