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What does Adrian Monk mean by "B.M." in Monk?

BM is short for Bowel Movement: A bowel movement is the last stop in the movement of food through your digestive tract. Your stool passes out of your body through the rectum and anus. Another name ...
A.bakker's user avatar
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How does Monk guess the exact number of the box in E612?

As Monk says, Crawley said that he had half a box full of jewellery to pawn and that "half a box" is an unusual phrase in this context. Then Monk says that he remembers that there were only ...
Paulie_D's user avatar
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Was Dwight Schrute inspired by Rainn Wilson's appearance on Monk?

The character of Dwight is based on Gareth Keenan character from the original The Office UK (2001). According to an interview to People Magazine: Eventually he realized he "needed to be myself,&...
Luciano's user avatar
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What does Adrian Monk mean by "B.M." in Monk?

Indeed. In grammar school here in the US, we were encouraged by the school nurse not call it "poop" or "caca", but the more discreet "BM" or "Bowel Movement". (...
blue_giraffe's user avatar
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In Monk S08E02, how come the "Foreign Man" from english-speaking Nigeria connects "poison" with "poisson"?

To answer the question stated in the title - the plot point is dependant on the street kids not being well-educated enough to recognise the word as being French for fish, and instead initiate a ...
Tetsujin's user avatar
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What did Mr. Monk major in?

Monk studied Criminology, Police Science or a similar course. Monk looked to the front of the room. “Is that Professor Jeremiah Cowan?” “Yeah, you know him?” Stottlemeyer said. “I took his ...
Valorum's user avatar
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Did Monk's mother also suffer from OCD?

It is strongly implied, but not definitively proven. 00:35:07 Mother numbered 00:35:09 So we'd always put them back in the right order. This is typical OCD behavior. She had a preferred order, and ...
Flater's user avatar
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Did Monk's mother also suffer from OCD?

No, but she was a control freak. Agnes Monk is a supporting character—God bless her heart—that didn't even make it into TV Tropes' Minor Characters list. Regardless, what little we know about her is ...
niamulbengali's user avatar

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