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Questions tagged [the-shining]

The Shining (1980) is a horror movie directed by Stanley Kubrick, and adapted from the Stephen King novel of the same name; it also refers to the special abilities certain characters in the storyline possess.

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whats the meaning of the photo in the end of the shining? did he become part of the hotel or he always was and forgot?

or was it a dream? and he never had family, he always was there and actually lived his life in 1920s according to the photo? or did he become part of the hotel forever after he died and the hotel ...
ERJAN's user avatar
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What is the connection between Key and Peele's 'Continental breakfast' and the movie 'The Shining'?

I've seen the Key and Peele's sketch named 'Continental breakfast' a dozen times to say the least. It seems to me that they're focusing on how a man's fantasies can be over-enthusiastic at times. But ...
Brozovic's user avatar
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Why was Kubrick nominated for a Razzie?

I know that The Shining had a very poor critical and commercial reception at first, but I think nobody can argue that Kubrick’s directing was anything short of masterful. Why was he nominated for a ...
Alec Brooks's user avatar
11 votes
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The Bear in The Shining

Everyone knows this awkward scene with the bear in The Shining, but why did Stanley Kubrick put it in the film? Does it have to do with something messed up with Wendy?
Neo1009's user avatar
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The Shining Food Locker Scene [duplicate]

In The Shining, how did Jack make it out of the food storage locker? Earlier, Wendy locked him in. Delbert Grady is an evil spirit roaming the Overlook Hotel. If Delbert Grady is only an evil spirit, ...
Jeremy Toman's user avatar
5 votes
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Did Jack write this from the start?

In "The Shining", does Jack only write the sentence "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy" during the whole movie, or does he actually start with writing a proper book?
gobypin's user avatar
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Are the twins from The Shining really twins?

I recently watched again The Shining and I noticed something that confused me. At the begining of the movie, the guy who hires Jack Torrance says: My predecessor in this job hired a man named ...
David's user avatar
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What is this round thing on the pantry door in The Shining

When Wendy locks Jack in the pantry, there is a round object on the door. I thought that it was something to help out if someone gets trapped in the pantry, but based on the scene, it seems like that'...
Yellvis's user avatar
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Does Danny's ability to "shine" have any connection to Jack's insanity and the events that occur in the hotel?

In The Shining (1980), does Danny's ability to "shine" have any connection to Jack's insanity and the events that occur in the hotel? If Danny's shining is what brings the hotel back to life, does ...
Shehnaz Ameer's user avatar
5 votes
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What is the origin of "all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy"?

In the movie The Shining, there is a whole stack of papers reading "all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy" on the desk next to the typewriter. Where does this phrase come from? Does it come from ...
Yu Zhang's user avatar
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What genre is The Shining?

I've heard people categorize it as a horror film, art film, thriller, even a black comedy. Which is it? Even my Film Studies professor was unsure.
Rocky Sherbet's user avatar
27 votes
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Where is The Shining set?

Does The Shining have a distinct location or is it like Springfield where you can make a good guess but it's never really described?
Max Astall's user avatar
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What is the meaning behind the deleted ending scene in "The Shining"?

Stanley Kubrick cut a scene at the end of The Shining (1980). In that scene, we would see that Mr. Ullman visits Danny and Wendy Torrance at the hospital where they are recovering from shock. He says ...
MikeKeepsOnShine's user avatar
19 votes
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Was the mistake in the opening scene of The Shining intentional?

Everyone knows about the legendary director Stanley Kubrick and how meticulous he was in taking his shots to perfection. This is the opening scene from the movie The Shining (1980). We see a shadow of ...
Sudip Biswas's user avatar
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Frozen Jack: Actor or Prop?

At the end of the film The Shining, when Jack Torrance has frozen to death, was this shot accomplished by putting make-up on Jack Nicholson or by using a prop body with a face cast in his likeness? I ...
John Sensebe's user avatar
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Who opened the store room door in The Shining?

The movie "The Shining" is a psychological horror, in genre. So there should not be any supernatural activity going on in the film. In one scene towards the climax, Jack was locked in the store room ...
Kushal Bhuyan's user avatar
10 votes
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When Jack Torrance is frozen, why is he looking up?

The Shining (1980) uses a lot of symbolism referencing heaven and hell. One example is the use of circular overhead chandeliers appearing like halos above characters' heads. I'm wondering if there ...
BrettFromLA's user avatar
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Stanley Kubrick's The Shining : Clue

Recently, I was watching (for the millionth time) Stanley Kubrik's The Shining. One of my favourite scene is the first meeting between Jack Torrance and Lloyd. At the beginning of that scene, we see ...
MikeKeepsOnShine's user avatar
48 votes
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What is Jack Nicholson tossing aside in this scene in The Shining?

What are those round metal objects that Jack Torrance is throwing to the floor in this scene in The Shining?
user27877's user avatar
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Was the set of "The Shining" intentionally set on fire by Kubrick to eliminate prop re-usage?

It is said Kubrick had a habit of destroying outtakes and any unwanted scenes, even destroying the Monolith in order to prevent the re-hashing of props in later movies. Could this fire that happened ...
NormLDude's user avatar
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How did they film Danny tricycle riding through the hotel?

I am curious how the camera managed to maintain such a close distance to Danny riding his tricycle through the hotel in The Shining. The camera seems to be positioned on some wheeled cart that is ...
amphibient's user avatar
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Why does Jack Nicholson say "Here's Johnny!" in The Shining when his character is called Jack?

In The Shining, when Jack Torrance has clearly gone mad and is chopping down the bathroom door with an axe to get to his wife, why does Jack Nicholson say "Here's Johnny!" when his character's name is ...
OddCore's user avatar
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What does the scene during the ending represent?

In the ending of The Shining, the camera slowly zooms into a photo and closes into a person who resembles Jack Nicholson (or is it him?). What does this scene depict? How does it relate to the movie?
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