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Questions tagged [the-godfather-2]

Partially based on Puzo's 1969 novel, The Godfather, the film is in part both a sequel and a prequel to The Godfather, presenting two parallel dramas.

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5 votes
1 answer

In the movies, The Godfather I and II, is their spoken Italian authentic?

In the movies, The Godfather I (1972) and The Godfather: Part II (1974), especially in The Godfather, Robert De Niro speaks most of his dialogue in Italian. Robert De Niro is of Italian descent, but ...
Yu Zhang's user avatar
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Is Rocco the judas who allowed the hit attempt on Michael, then killed the assassins? [duplicate]

I made the mistake of seeing The Godfather II on TV and obviously can't turn away once you know it's there to watch. I understand the overall gist of the failed assassination attempt on Michael ...
William Baron's user avatar
1 vote
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Godfather II - the attempted hit on Pentangeli [duplicate]

Two questions: Why do the lie to Pentangeli, saying that Michael ordered the hit of they intended to actually kill him? It's pointless except in terms of plotting (i.e. It means that Pentangeli, ...
Tom Melly's user avatar
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10 votes
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What does the monogram MCF stand for?

In The Godfather II, before gunmen try and kill him, when Michael enters his bedroom and Kay wakes up, we can see that bed linen has a monogram "mCf" on it. My search shows that it could be ...
OldPadawan's user avatar
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Was there any indication that Connie, in cut scenes or novels, contemplated vengeance upon Michael?

Although it was Fredo who was caught betraying his brother, it was Connie who clearly really hated Michael (although whether she was really justified in this is another question). Two major reasons ...
releseabe's user avatar
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How realistic is this cut scene from Godfather 2 where Klingman is assaulted in his own casino?

I always thought this could have been included in the film. It is referred to in the conversation the senator has with Michael although it had not yet occurred but the senator knew of plans for ...
releseabe's user avatar
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Why was Vito Corleone so ignorant about Fanucci?

I find it a little odd that when we first meet young Vito in The Godfather - Part 2, why he seems to know so little about Don Fanucci. He asks "if he's Italian why does he steal from his own ...
Mike Cappadocia's user avatar
2 votes
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Do we know what became of Fredo's wife?

I think the last scene in the The Godfather Part II Fredo's wife is in is after the shooting of Michael's bedroom -- I think she is being forced back to her quarters iirc. It is clear that things are ...
releseabe's user avatar
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Would Genco's behavior in the theatre have made his being consigliere unlikely?

Genco is only referred to in GF-1 although in cut scenes he is visited by the family while he is dying. I can understand why this was cut -- there would be later scenes in a hospital with Michael and ...
releseabe's user avatar
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Did the Rosato Brothers kill Peter Clemenza?

When Fredo and Pentangeli meet in Nevada in The Godfather Part II, they talk about Clemenza's death. Willi Cicci says that was no heart attack followed by Pentangeli saying that is the reason for him ...
BooM Borgoyari's user avatar
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Did Connie know Michael killed this character?

In The Godfather, part III, after Michael confesses to the killing of his brother, and knowing he had confessed but not told to what sins, Connie says these words to Michael: "Michael, you know, ...
rpmth's user avatar
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What did Michael mean by “The soldiers are paid to fight, the rebels aren't. ...They can win.”?

Michael: The soldiers are paid to fight, the rebels aren't. Hyman: What does that tell you? Michael: They can win. In the past I interpreted this as Michael saying the rebels could win because they ...
king of panes's user avatar
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Is Kay lying about her abortion in ‘The Godfather part II?

When she tells Michael she’s leaving him, and he refuses to accept this move, Kay drops the bomb: Oh, Michael. Michael, you are blind. It wasn't a miscarriage. It was an abortion. An abortion, ...
rpmth's user avatar
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How did Michael know that Roth was behind the assassination attempt at his home, not Frank Pentangeli?

In The Godfather Part II, how did Michael know that Roth was behind the assassination attempt at his home, and not Frank Pentangeli?
Am Ir's user avatar
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11 votes
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Why does Sonny say they call Michael "Giogali"?

In The Godfather Part II, Sonny introduces Michael to Carlo. He tells Carlo they call Mike "Giogali". Who is "Giogali"?
Terry Wheatley's user avatar
8 votes
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Could the sick child in this scene be Fredo and the illness the reason for his slowness?

In The Godfather Part II, at some point during the events in Vito's past, his child was sick. In the book, there is no implication that Fredo is of below average intelligence but in both The Godfather ...
releseabe's user avatar
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Fredo's behaviour on New Year's Eve

As many times as I have seen The Godfather, Part II I have never understood a couple of things about Fredo. At the New Year's Eve party, an hour or so before Michael lets Fredo know that he knows ...
bob.sacamento's user avatar
7 votes
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Why did Vito negotiate with Don Fanucci?

Vito starts the assassination by meeting with Don Fannucci, negotiating with him to lower the cost of protection, and succeeding. Shortly afterwards, Vito kills the Don and takes the money back. My ...
GGMG-he-him's user avatar
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Was Senator Pat Geary set up by the Corleone family?

According to the discussion regarding a typical deal between Michael Corleone and Sen. Pat Geary, in The Godfather: Part II, Michael refuses to pay anything extra to the senator, after which later in ...
user377340's user avatar
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Fredo's slip-up in Godfather Part II seems too...easy

When Fredo arrives in Cuba, Michael fills him in on what's happening and drops Johnny Ola and Hiram Roth's names. Fredo says he doesn't know them, and that night when Michael introduces him to ...
Matt Smith's user avatar
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What did alert the officers to save Hyman Roth?

In the Godfather, Part II, Michael Corleone's henchman Bussetta is sent to kill Hyman Roth but he fails because at the last moment a group of officers enter in the room and kill Bussetta. Bussetta ...
Silver Bebs's user avatar
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Godfather Saga vs Godfather Theatrical Release: Genco

In the original movie, we see Genco in a scene talking to Vito about the actress who is his girlfriend and later, backstage, we watch him quietly leave as the girl is threatened even though Vito seems ...
Jeff's user avatar
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Did Michael Corleone ever get revenge against those who killed his wife?

Did Michael Corleone ever get revenge against those who killed his wife? I just watched the 3 Godfather movies again and I was not able to figure out who made the attempt on his life and in the ...
KyloRen's user avatar
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The two million never got to the island. What does this phrase mean?

In Cuba scene during partners meeting and Hyman Roth birthday, Michael Corleone tells the episode he witnessed today - a rebel killed himself by exploding a grenade. Hyman Roth then takes Michael ...
Green's user avatar
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Why would Michael Corleone get approval from Hyman Roth to kill Frankie Pentangeli?

In The Godfather Part II why would Michael Corleone (pretend to) get approval from Hyman Roth to kill Frankie Pentangeli? I understand that he was trying to mislead Roth regarding his suspicions and ...
Hack-R's user avatar
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How does Senator Geary know Michael Corleone's plan?

In The Godfather, Part II, on that scene Senator Pat Geary says to Michael: GEARY: My sources tell me that you plan to make a move against the Tropicalla. They tell me within a week, you're gonna ...
Silver Bebs's user avatar
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Why did Michael kill Frank Pentangeli?

Frank Pentangeli was loyal in The Godfather: Part 2. He obeyed Michael's order and went to make peace with the Rosato brothers. But then there was an attempt to kill Frank and it looked like Michael ...
Milon Sarker's user avatar
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Why are Al and Rocco depicted as Caporegimes at the Senate Hearing?

In The Godfather: Part 2, The Senate Hearing presents this chart of the Corleone Family: From what I can see in the movie, Al Neri and Rocco Lampone are more Michael's personal bodyguards/handymen/...
Silver Bebs's user avatar
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Did De Niro and Pacino actually meet during The Godfather II shooting?

Al Pacino and Robert De Niro don't play together in the same scene as De Niro plays young adult Vito and Pacino plays adult Michael. Have they met out stage, behind the scenes?
Silver Bebs's user avatar
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Did Michael suspect Fredo before?

Did Michael suspect Fredo before finding out he was the traitor in the family in The Godfather: Part II? Two scenes that made me think of this possibility are when Fredo asks if he knows any one in ...
Jason 's user avatar
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Intrepretation of the last scene in The Godfather 2

After reading some posts I realized that Michael has transformed from a good citizen to a cold-blooded criminal due to fate at the end of the film. The movie seems to suggest he wanted to be a good ...
runjumpfly's user avatar
34 votes
10 answers

Why did Michael Corleone not forgive his brother Fredo?

In The Godfather: Part II Fredo betrayed Michael by giving Ola and Roth information that helped to make an attempt on Michael's life at his home. Fredo was careless and naive (which Roth used to his ...
Erba Aitbayev's user avatar
6 votes
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Tom Hagen's role after Vito Corleone stepped down as Godfather

We all saw that after Vito Corleone stepped down as Godfather, Micheal turned Tom out as consigliere, but I see Tom is still active as Corleone family adviser, so what difference came after Vito in ...
A. Trivedi's user avatar
11 votes
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Why did Frank Pentangeli kill himself in Godfather 2?

In The Godfather: Part II Frankie Pentangeli tells Tom a story about the Roman Empire and then he kills himself. Why exactly does he do that?
Procrastinating Programmer's user avatar
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Film Location of Don Ciccio's Villa

Can anyone tell me the location of Don Ciccio's villa? It was used twice in GF II. Once for the death of Vito's mother, and Vito's subsequent escape. Then again, when the adult Vito returns to ...
Erik Christiansen's user avatar
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Film Location of Tommasino olive oil factory

Who knows where the olive oil mill/facility of Tommasino is (where Michael makes such a cute face when he tastes an olive)?
Erik Christiansen's user avatar
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Vito killing Don Fanucci

When Vito kills Don Fanucci in Godfather II, does he have to pay tribute to someone higher in the organization? Or can he just take over Fanucci's neighborhood?
user32217's user avatar
13 votes
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Did Fredo know he was doomed on the boat?

In The Godfather: Part II Fredo was set to go fishing on Lake Tahoe with one of the Corleone children, but at the last minute he is told the child can't go, and that he will be joined by one of the ...
Shiz Z.'s user avatar
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Would Michael Corleone stay in Cuba?

What was Michael Corleone's and Hyman Roth's initial plan in Cuba in The Godfather: Part II? What would have happened if a revolution did not happen when Michael, Roth and partners gathered there? ...
seeker's user avatar
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Why didn't Don Fanucci have any bodyguards so that Vito killed him so easily?

In The Godfather II, Vito decides to get rid of Don Fanucci and kills him during the carnival outside his apartment. How could it be so easy to kill Don Fanucci? Supposedly with the career he got, ...
arianoo's user avatar
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Was the “Superman” show that was shown in Cuba in “Godfather II” a real show?

In The Godfather II, when Fredo leads the group of people to a club in La Habana, a show is presented where a man with a cape appears in the scene with a couple of women (if I recall correctly). Does ...
DanielV's user avatar
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Johnny Ola's cut finger in The Godfather 2 - accident or what?

I noticed something in The Godfather: Part II when, during Hyman Roth's birthday cake presentation, Johnny Ola seems to cut his finger when preparing to cut the cake. He grabs a napkin to wrap the ...
user22613's user avatar
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Does Al Pacino really slap Diane Keaton in The Godfather II?

I was watching The Godfather II tonight and was thinking about the scene where Kay (Keaton) tells Michael (Pacino) that she had an abortion. Pacino appears to hit Keaton so hard that his follow-...
Johnny Bones's user avatar
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Why did Sonny trust Carlo enough to introduce him to the family and then sour on him?

In The Godfather I, Carlo is seen as an abuser of his wife Connie, and my general feeling is that he's somewhat of an outsider who wants desperately to get involved in the Corleone "family business". ...
Johnny Bones's user avatar
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What was going on with Tom Hagen?

In The Godfather, Part II there's some conflict between Michael and Tom: TOM: That plane goes to Miami. MICHAEL: That's where I want it met. TOM: Mike that's impossible -- they'll turn ...
Andrew Latham's user avatar
9 votes
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What happened to Willie Cicci after the grand jury in Godfather II?

In The Godfather: Part II, Willie Cicci, played by Joe Spinelli, testifies that Michael Corleone was involved in organised crime and the head of the Corleone family: "Oh yeah, a buffer. The family had ...
Travis's user avatar
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Did anyone back in America know about Michael's marriage to Appolonia in Sicily?

During the course of The Godfather Michael marries Appolonia in Sicily. A failed assasination attempt results in her death. Shortly after, Michael returns to New York and marries Kay Adams. There was ...
Travis's user avatar
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What exactly did Fredo do to betray Michael?

We know Fredo betrayed Michael by working with Hyman Roth and Johnny Ola. What exactly did he do though? He says he didn't know it was going to be a hit and that he was only trying to help the family....
Travis's user avatar
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Who killed the assassins after the failed hit on Michael Corleone?

Michael survives an attempt on his life at the beginning of The Godfather Part II. The gunmen miss him and attempt to flee. We then see that they have been killed. Who killed the bodyguards?
Travis's user avatar
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Why does Frankie Pentangeli immediately change his story when he sees his brother?

In The Godfather 2 Frankie Pentangeli is before a committee ready give evidence against Michael Corleone. His brother enters the room and Frankie to immediately changes his story. Was it just out of ...
Travis's user avatar
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