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Questions tagged [memento]

Psychological Thriller written and directed by Christopher Nolan, it tells the story of a man with short term memory issues seeking revenge, and is shown mostly in scenes replayed in reverse order from the end of story.

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Why did Teddy just reveal his true name to Lenny at the end of the movie?

Why did Teddy just reveal his true name to Lenny at the end of the movie Memento? I just find it a cheap and lazy way to connnect the dots that has been set up since the beginning. Teddy has no reason ...
Vv V's user avatar
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6 votes
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Why did Lenny put five bullets in his car seat at the end of Memento?

In Memento, why did Lenny put five bullets in his car seat at the end of the movie? After killing Jimmy, he took his clothes and his car and put five bullets in his actual car; the next time he ...
Vv V's user avatar
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Why did Lenny decide to follow Jimmy's instructions and meet Natalie?

In Memento, after he killed Jimmy, he saw in Jimmy's clothes' pocket a note that said to go to Natalie when he was at the tattoo store. So why did he follow that note; I thought he made a rule to only ...
The khoi Nguyen's user avatar
2 votes
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In "Memento", why did Lenny not previously have a photo of Teddy? [duplicate]

I've seen this question asked before, but with no real answer/opinion given. In Memento (2000), Lenny takes his photo of Teddy towards the end of the black and white sequence; however, Teddy later ...
Phil's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Significance of Incorrectly Written Car Plate in 'Memento'

I recently watched Christopher Nolan's 'Memento' and found myself puzzled by a specific detail. There's a scene where the main character, Leonard, writes down a car's license plate number but gets it ...
Iman Mohammadi's user avatar
0 votes
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Was Sammy Jankis a Real Person or an Alter Ego of Leonard in "Memento"?

In Christopher Nolan's Memento, the character of Sammy Jankis plays a crucial role in understanding Leonard Shelby's condition and motivations. However, the film presents a complex narrative structure ...
Iman Mohammadi's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

How Many Tattoos Does the Main Character in 'Memento' Have?

I recently watched the movie Memento and was intrigued by the use of tattoos as a key plot device. Leonard Shelby, the main character, uses tattoos as a way to remember crucial information due to his ...
Iman Mohammadi's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Why didn't Lenny have a photo of Teddy at the beginning of the story in "Memento"?

In the movie Memento, Teddy claims to have known Lenny for over a year. But if they were supposed to be acquainted for that long, why didn't Lenny have a photo of Teddy? It seems like Lenny should ...
Christopher's user avatar
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Why does the escort look like Lenny's wife?

I must be missing something. In one of the scenes, Lenny called an escort. The escort looks like his deceased wife. Then, Lenny told the escort to put bras, brushes, and other stuff around the room. ...
user4951's user avatar
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8 votes
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Why did Natalie write a note to "put Dodd onto Teddy"?

I have watched Memento several times to know the true meaning of its story. But one specific detail that I can't get convinced of is this one: Why did Natalie instruct Lenny to "put Dodd onto Teddy"? ...
Vieri_Wijaya's user avatar
16 votes
4 answers

How does Leonard in "Memento" remember reading and writing?

I was watching this masterpiece Memento, but one question that stuck in my mind is how does Leonard remember reading and writing? He was suffering from short term memory loss and if reading and ...
umer arif's user avatar
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5 votes
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How does Leonard remember about insulin in Memento

Leonard remembers everything up to the incident. So this means he knows about Sammy and his fake condition. This also means he remembers Sammy didn't have a wife. So after the incident, how could he ...
Vikram's user avatar
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Who puts the "come by after - Natalie" sticker inside Lenny's jacket in memento movie?

I understood everything but not the sticker in which a phrase "come by after- Natalie"..Like who would have put that sticker in his jacket? I don't seem to get the answer till now. Jimmy seems to know ...
mohammed warish's user avatar
2 votes
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How does Lenny know about the name John G?

In the movie Memento, is there any mention about how Lenny narrowed the second attacker's name to be John G? In short, how does Lenny know that he's looking for someone with the name John G?
John's user avatar
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Final scene of Memento

I don't understand the final scene of memento (so the first one in events). Short description from wikipedia: After hearing Teddy's exposition, Leonard consciously burns Jimmy's photograph, writes ...
user424862's user avatar
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What is the meaning of the final inner monologue at the end of Memento?

I just watched Memento. I know people have quoted the conversation between Leonard and Teddy/John Edward Gammell in full, but I have not seen the final inner monologue of Leonard discussed in detail. ...
Richard Fairhurst's user avatar
1 vote
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Who is Natalie in the movie Memento?

I don't get the scenes regarding Natalie and Leonard. How is she connected to the movie's main story and is she the one who is using Leonard to distribute drugs?
Reid's user avatar
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11 votes
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How come he didn't use the most obvious solution to "grasp" time - dates?

One of the most serious issues dealt with in Christopher Nolan's Memento, is the grasp of time -- the hero seems to be "lost in time". Throughout the entire picture the audience, and the hero himself, ...
golosovsky's user avatar
6 votes
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Does Leonard really have memories before the incident?

In Memento, as I recall, the protagonist Leonard Shelby failed to create any new memories after the night he received a blow, from the man who 'raped and murdered' his wife. But he claims he doesn't ...
Aneek's user avatar
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Does Natalie sleep with Leonard in Memento?

In Memento, Natalie and Leonard pass the night together in Natalie's house after Leonard has killed her boyfriend, Jimmy. Natalie is undressing Leonard, uncovering his tattoos and touching his body. ...
Crazy8's user avatar
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Can I copy the narrative structure of a movie? [closed]

Will there be any copyright issues if I make a short movie with EXACTLY the same narrative structure as the Hollywood movie "Memento", but with totally different story? Also, do I need to credit them (...
NisH's user avatar
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Why did Teddy ask to change the place where the picture was about to be taken?

In the end of Memento (and beginning of its story), Lenny wants to take a picture of Teddy. Does anybody have a clue why Teddy asked to change the place where the picture was about to be taken? ...
Lukas's user avatar
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How did Leonard manage to distort his memory of Sammy Jankis?

So in Memento Leonard already knew about the whole Sammy Jankis thing because it happened before his accident. So some time after manslaughtering his wife, how was he then able to convince himself ...
83457's user avatar
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15 votes
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Why did Leonard wear Jimmy's clothes?

In the beginning of the story (means end of Memento) Leonard wore Jimmy's clothes and there was a paper in Jimmy's clothes. This was how Leonard met Natalie. Why did Leonard do that?
Amirreza Nasiri's user avatar
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In Memento, what happened to the money in the Jaguar's trunk?

The final scene of Memento (which is actually the beginning of the story's timeline) shows Lenny drive off in a Jaguar that has a box full of money in the trunk. Presumably this money is why Dodd ...
Shiz Z.'s user avatar
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12 votes
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Why didn't Natalie realise Leonard killed her boyfriend?

I had to see Memento several times including the chronological version to really understand it. It is one of my favourite movies, but even after so many views there is one thing I don't get. Why didn'...
anoniim's user avatar
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Was Leonard's wife really raped? [duplicate]

In the film Memento Leonard's main tattoo reads JOHN G. RAPED AND MURDERED MY WIFE That means it was the second attacker who raped his wife. If this was true the postmortem report would've shown ...
A.Jesin's user avatar
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How did Teddy get killed in the end again?

Does anybody remember the first scene when he killed teddy? How it happened while he met Teddy again and the film ended with Teddy is dead?
abdelaziz's user avatar
30 votes
13 answers

Explanation for Lenny's "I've done it" tattoo

I've watched Memento quite a few times. I feel for the most part that I understand it, while most people don't. I’ve seen people go as far as to say that Lenny is Sammy Jankis which is impossible. But ...
Nick S's user avatar
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2 answers

Did Leonard Shelby know his wife because of his subconscience?

In the beginning of the movie when Leonard is talking on the phone to the mysterious caller (who we find out is Teddy [John gamble {not thee John G}]). He says he is different from Sammy Jenkins ...
michael0330's user avatar
5 votes
6 answers

Ending to Memento

I know I'm a little behind, but I just watched the movie Memento and the ending got me thinking a lot. And when I think a lot I usually turn toward the internet to find the vast majority of solutions ...
ModestMonk's user avatar
12 votes
3 answers

Who was on the phone in Memento?

In Memento, there are several scenes of Leonard talking on the phone about Sammy Jenkins. Eventually he reveals a tattoo on his arm that says "never answer the phone". Is the person he is talking to ...
Travis's user avatar
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Did Natalie really help Leonard or was she just using him again?

We know that the first time Natalie set Leonard up to get someone (a thug named Dodd), her motivation was selfish, and she deceived Leonard in the process. However, when she helps him find the John G....
Joe's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

What is the significance of the "Remember Sammy Jenkins" tattoo?

Why did Leonard Shelby have a "Remember Sammy Jenkins" tattoo? Why did he need this tattoo? Leonard has anterograde amnesia, that means he can have his past memories before the accident but not new ...
Ankit Sharma's user avatar
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18 votes
3 answers

Why was Teddy using Leonard in Memento?

If you can believe Teddy's lies then he was a cop who had worked on the case of the break in, attack on Leonard and rape of Leonard's wife. He then worked with Leonard and helped him track down and ...
Kevin Howell's user avatar
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How does Leonard know about his condition?

After the incident which caused Leonard's condition in Memento, he cannot remember anything more than a few minutes old, other than the events before that incident. Yet, he remembers his condition?
tshepang's user avatar
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Was Leonard Shelby really crazy? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: What detail should I be looking for in Leonard in Memento to determine the plot? From what I understood after watching Memento, Leonard got the no of the car of Teddy and ...
Mistu4u's user avatar
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What really happened in Memento?

So I watched Memento, and I felt like I understood the story pretty well, however, some things don't make so much sense to me. As far as I know: Leonard, the main character, did in fact see his wife ...
amiregelz's user avatar
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Why was non-linear narrative structure used in Memento?

In the movie Memento, a non-linear narrative structure was adopted. What effect does this peculiar narrative structure have on the movie watchers?
jokerdino's user avatar
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What detail should I be looking for in Leonard in Memento to determine the plot?

I have watched Christopher Nolan's Memento more than once and I still can't get the real thing that happened. Yes I get that the movie is shown backwards, but it really confuses me. I understand that ...
Roshnal's user avatar
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