The question was answered, but one part of your question hasn't really been addressed yet:
In one of the episodes of season 1 or season 2, Daenerys says Viserys is not a true heir to the throne as he got burnt. Why did she say that?
Keep in mind who Danaerys is at that point in time. She is barely a teenager, pretty much raised by Vyserys' arrogance about their dragon heritage and symbolism, and Illyrio's brownnosing (which effectively reinforces Vyserys' boasting).
Vyserys very much uses the "Targaryens are dragons, Targaryens are fire personified" rhetoric, and then ends up getting burnt. The logical conclusion to seeing Vyserys burnt is that his claims were never correct to begin with, but Dany instead concludes that Vyserys' claims were true but did not apply to Vyserys himself.
It makes sense from Dany's perspective, as she never burns herself. This is shown in the pilot episode where Dany enters the hot bath which should burn her but doesn't.
Vyserys' rhetoric was just that, and unbeknowst to Vyserys Dany actually has the powers which Vyserys claims Targaryens have. It makes sense that Dany grows up believing in Vyserys' rhetoric.