---- Potential spoilers below -----
I watched the first season of Silicon Valley a second time, recently, and I enjoyed it, but something puzzles me: what are Richard and Big Head doing at Hooli in the first episode? If they're living/working in Erlich's incubator, what business do they have at Hooli's headquarters?
They seem to know their way around the place.
While there, Richard helps himself to some coffee and has a confrontation with Hooli employees. Was Richard working there or what? If he was, viewers never see him resign from Hooli when he sets up Pied Piper...
Also, at the end of episode 2, Big Head announces
Gaving Belson just offered me a huge promotion for 600 grand a year to steal me away from you guys.
(my emphasis)
The use of the term promotion leads me to believe that Big Head, at least, was already working for Hooli when he got that offer. But was he, really?