The Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) is defined as a transmedia franchise, in that it seeks to push unified content fluidly across different mediums, but prioritizes the Live Action depiction of its characters as being the most important aspect, with other properties "Taking their lead from the movies..."
How successful have Marvel Entertainment been at unifying this universe into a coherent, non-contradictory continuity?
Is there any instance of a property (such as tie-in Video Games, TV and even Comics) that presents itself as part of the MCU/Earth 199999 continuity but causes conflicts within the narrative universe presented by the MCU films?
Hulk and The Incredible Hulk are often cited as two properties that (whilst officially being of different canon) could be perceived to nod towards each other in continuity; inferring but not confirming what Marvel President Kevin Feige calls "Connective tissue". Can this be substantiated, and if so is this the only instance of a 'facilitated' retcon/conflict within Earth 199999?
How 'Leaky' is the MCU?
I would have loved to have posted this to Arqade: but it's been painfully pointed out to me before that Arqade is only concerned with the discussion of consuming games, and not the culture of their production.
Considering the MCU is a primarily cinematic/TV/live-action led franchise, I can only see this question as being on topic @ M&TV...
I only draw attention to Video Games because historically this is the medium that (whilst tying itself to specific cinematic iterations of characters) is more prone to willingly disregard the licence prohibitions of the stable it belongs to, but I'm actually more interested in Live action/M&TV... and if such a conflict exists within these parts of the MCU.
Any examples are helpful, but Cinematic examples will likely be more profound.