From the TV show, Mad Men, season 1, episode 8, "The Hobo Code," a homeless person visits young Dick's family ranch and is offered a meal and work.

Over the dinner table, Dick's stepmom takes a coin out of a jar and offers it to the homeless person.

I have searched on Wikipedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coins_of_the_United_States_dollar, but could not find it.

I am wondering what kind of coin it is and how much it is worth at that time (Great Depression era).

image of coin

1 Answer 1


That's a 1920 "Standing Liberty" quarter (25¢)

enter image description here

In the 1930s it would buy you a couple of loaves of bread or a dozen eggs.

enter image description here

  • interesting, I am wondering why it is not listed in the Wikipedia page for American coins
    – Yu Zhang
    Commented 23 hours ago
  • It's certainly on Wikipedia; en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Standing_Liberty_quarter
    – Valorum
    Commented 23 hours ago
  • 3
    @YuZhang - Because you need to go and add it to the Wikipedia article on American coins?
    – Valorum
    Commented 23 hours ago
  • @YuZhang it's mentioned on the page for coinage type set en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_coinage_type_set and on quarter mintage figures en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_quarter_mintage_figures
    – Luciano
    Commented 11 hours ago
  • 1
    @YuZhang. It's not listed on the page you originally linked to because its no longer in circulation and it is a collector's or investors item. The Standing Liberty Quarter was 90% silver, as such, even if it were extremely damaged it would now be worth about $5.50 for the silver content. In good or better condition, the value for 1920 liberty quarter can range from $15 to >$200, depending on the condition and which mint mark it has.
    – RisingZan
    Commented 5 hours ago

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