Buddy Pine, the villain from The Incredibles, goes by the name Syndrome. But it's not really clear why.
Many of the other superheroes have names that are either fitting their abilities (e.g. Elastigirl, Frozone, ...) or generically heroic (e.g. Thunderman, Mr. Incredible, ...). But the name Syndrome seems on the one hand very generic, without a clear connection to his abilities and traits (be it as an Iron Man style inventor "hero", or even as a villain bound on eradicating all heroes), but on the other hand also remarkably unusual to suggest some deeper meaning above just denoting him as a villain.
So why does Buddy Pine go by the name Syndrome? How does this name relate to his personality, his abilities, or his goals? Does it more relate to his role as a (wannabe) superhero or his role as a supervillain (well, the word itself is certainly more negatively denoted)? Is this elaborated any further in the movie itself or maybe in external material? If not, are there at least reasonable conclusions to be drawn based on his character and his actions? Or is there not much of an in-universe explanation but at least commentary from the film-makers why they chose the name?