Right before the detonation of the large nuke, Mako said something to Stacker. It wasn't subtitled and I don't speak Japanese. What did she say?
2 Answers
She said 「せんせい あいしてます」(sensei aishitemasu), which means "I love you teacher/elder." This was confirmed on Twitter by Travis Beacham, Pacific Rim's screenwriter.
Mako Mori is a Japanese name, which was my first clue that she's Japanese. The others were that the language she and the Marshall spoke early on was Japanese, and the city in her flashback was adorned with signs that had Japanese, not Chinese, on them.
For some strange reason, I always hear it as English in my mind. I was watching it with subtitles, so I suppose that's why. Commented Oct 16, 2013 at 14:57
I don't think she actually said "sensei" in the movie. I just listened back, and it sounds way more like "oto-san". Even if Travis' are word of god, I have a feeling he made a mistake there. Commented Aug 19, 2018 at 8:08