In Captain America: Civil War and Deadpool 2, characters with metal arms both slide down a building by sticking their arm into the building's facade and letting the resistance from breaking the stone slow them down.

What was the first film to use this particular move?

2 Answers 2


This originates from the Blade Brake trope, which is the act of using a blade or other object, dug into the side of a building or wall to reduce your speed or halt your descent with bonus points if you don't stop immediately and leave a "skid mark"/trail of destruction.

Blade Brake as a trope is a variant of Stab the Sail (although this is far less common now, this was the original trope), which is the same thing but stabbing a sail (like on a boat) instead of a wall. The "stab the sail" technique originated in the 1926 silent movie The Black Pirate.

There does not appear to be a variant specifically addressing the use of an augmented limb rather than a blade.

  • 1
    Weird that this was the approved answer, because, interesting as this is, it doesn't answer it. Or maybe add that its first appearance - in its 'stab the sail' form - was possibly the 1926 silent film The Black Pirate?
    – Joachim
    Commented May 17, 2019 at 21:47

Earliest I can remember is "Sinbad" (1947), where Douglas Fairbanks slides down the mainsail hanging onto a dagger/sword.

  • 1
    Using the link from the other answer, it could be the one I mentioned in its comment, which, interestingly, also stars Fairbanks.
    – Joachim
    Commented May 17, 2019 at 21:50

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