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Questions tagged [venom]

Use this tag when you are dicussing the latest Venom film starring Tom Hardy, Michelle Williams, Riz Ahmed, and more! IMDB:

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2 answers

What came first? Venom as the movie or as the song?

What came first and which one was the inspiration to the second one? Or did both came continuously where Eminem cooperated with the movie creators for the purpose? Is there any article describing ...
Nikolas's user avatar
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2 answers

Why didn't Life use sound to capture the Venom symbiote?

Fairly early in the Venom film, the Life researchers discovered that sound of a certain frequency disabled the symbiotes. However, they fruitlessly sent agents, cars, dune buggies, and explosive ...
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How does Riot know about venom's host?

In the fight scene between Venom and Riot, Riot says You have a strong host. Just because Venom manages to push Riot off once, that should not mean that his host is powerful. He did not even see ...
KumarAnkit's user avatar
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Why did Venom only eat heads?

Venom needs food for himself other than food taken by Eddie for himself. Sometimes Venom prefers human flesh as food while Eddie has no interest in it. In one scene when Eddie crashed with his ...
Vishwa's user avatar
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Is Venom a villain in the movie with Tom Hardy?

In the new movie with Tom Hardy, is Venom considered to be a villain? From the movie, it doesn't appear so. This is more true since Eddie Brock tells him you can eat only bad people. But recently I ...
jdoe's user avatar
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2 answers

How does Venom survive the blast from the rocket?

In the final fight scene of the Venom movie, Venom takes down the whole spaceship which was going to take off and then protects Eddie from the blast. How did Venom survive that blast?
ajaygopal07's user avatar
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What is the name of the other symbiotes in Venom?

In the beginning of the movie Venom, there are a total of four symbiotes. One escaped in the crash and hopped from one host to another. Later revealed that its name is Riot. The other three were taken ...
J M's user avatar
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Why did he start falling from the building?

Maybe a third of the way through Venom (2018), when Venom/Eddie was at the very top of the building that seemed to be where Anne's (Eddie's ex-girlfriend) office was, an airplane flew by and Venom/...
Charles's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

What happened to the other symbiotes in Venom?

After Drake died with Riot in Venom, the symbiotes were still in Drake's lab. So what happened to them? Are they disposed or sent back to space?
Alauddin's user avatar
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What event led to Eddie Brock leaving New York City

In the movie Venom, Eddie Brock and his fiancée Anne discuss an event that caused him to leave New York during a date. They lightly allude to the situation from different perspectives, one saying he ...
m1gp0z's user avatar
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Why was Carnage edited out of Venom?

''Venom'''s lead actor Tom Hardy confirmed that the only scenes deleted from the movie were the scenes including Carnage. I believe Carnage would have been an interesting character to have in the ...
master ArSuKa's user avatar
32 votes
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Does the upcoming film with Venom take place in the Marvel Cinematic Universe?

Venom is an upcoming Sony film. Sony's last Spider-man film (Spider-man: Homecoming) also exists in the same universe as Marvel/Disney films called Marvel Cinematic Universe. But there is no clear ...
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