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Questions tagged [the-road]

The Road is a 2009 movie about a man and his son trying to survive in a post-apocalyptic world. It is based on Cormac McCarthy's book of the same name.

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Similarity between "The Road" and "The Stand"

While watching "The Road" (2009), I had a strong feeling of similarity of the movie with Stephen King's "The stand": survivors of a terrible disaster traveling to find a better ...
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What unroots the trees?

In the movie "The Road" (2009) there is a scene where the protagonists need to stop running and seek shelter (laying on the ground between the trunks of two fallen trees), as the trees ...
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What is the extinction event?

What is the extinction event that happened in the movie "The Road"? Did an asteroid hit or a super-volcano eruption? Does anybody know for sure what the director intended it to be?
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