In the movie "The Road" (2009) there is a scene where the protagonists need to stop running and seek shelter (laying on the ground between the trunks of two fallen trees), as the trees around them become unrooted and fall to the ground. It is as if something invisible is moving through the air and forcing them to the ground.
The fact that the trees do no break suggests that they are not already old and rotten. In a way, this scene reminds of the the events in the series "Lost" (2004-2010), where trees get destroyed on the island.
Is there some explanation for the trees being unrooted in the movie "The Road"? Is there any "link" between the trees falling in the two movies? (e.g., just using a similar idea, paying tribute, ..)
Clarification: I do not ask about what caused the disaster (war, epidemic, meteorite, ..). I also do not ask about the trees which have already fallen (e.g., the trees which cover the surface of the river). I ask about the trees which were upright, and fall exactly when the protagonists are there (they were running away from some bad people).