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Questions tagged [scrubs]

Scrubs is a medical comedy-drama television series that aired from 2001 to 2010.

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16 votes
2 answers

Was the Janitor real?

I read somewhere that the character of the Janitor was originally only going to be a character in JD's daydream and that for the first season he didn't interact with anyone else? Is this true? If so ...
Liath's user avatar
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How accurate is Scrubs' depiction of the medical profession and the community?

How accurate are they while portraying the incidents, medical methods and procedures, problems they face and the solutions they apply, the cultural stereotypes, policies and rules etc?
Ravindra S's user avatar
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What exactly is shown on the pagers carried around in House MD or Scrubs?

It seems that the cast can get to know almost anything just by reading the page that they get: whether there's an emergency with a patient or where they are being called to? I thought pagers just ...
stark's user avatar
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