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Questions tagged [mel-gibson]

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4 votes
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What's the significance of illusion of a person through crowd during execution scene in Mel Gibson movies?

In Braveheart (1995), while being decapitated, Wallace sees a vision of Murron in the crowd, smiling at him. In Passion of the Christ, While being cruxified, Jesus sees a vision of Satan in the crowd....
J.K Lovell's user avatar
5 votes
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In the "Hacksaw Ridge" (2016) film does Mel Gibson question the existence of God? [closed]

In Mel Gibson's previous films concerning religion and faith there were always some elements included that established the existence of God beyond doubt. In the film "Signs" (2002) there were ...
and his dog's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Did Mel Gibson give any of his profits back to charity? [closed]

Did Mel Gibson give any of his profits from The Passion of the Christ back to charity? He raked in a lot of money but I can't find anything on the internet of him sharing his profit.
JoshYates1980's user avatar