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Questions tagged [black-sails]

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5 votes
1 answer

Did Captain Flint love Miranda Barlow more than Thomas?

There was a quote in Black Sails season 3 when Captain Flint had a vision of Miranda after she died and he said When I lost Thomas, I raged. I was distraught, I wept. But with you, I'm ruined ...
Nick Whitfield's user avatar
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Did Eleanor tell Vane about the tunnels beneath the fort?

I've just finished season 1 of Black Sails. In the last episode, when Vane appears, he tells Eleanor to be partners or else he will start sinking ships. When Eleanor talks with Captain Hornigold he ...
Cobra Kai Dojo's user avatar
2 votes
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Why do the pirates have white teeth?

I was watching Black Sails and I couldn't stop noticing that the pirates have super nice white teeth. I would think pirates just had 'bad & rotten' teeth. Was this just left out on purpose or ...
Decypher's user avatar
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4 votes
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Is the Marcus Aurelius quote in Black Sails a rewrite?

This is perhaps not the best place for this Q, but I'm not able to find any site more suitable. (Have looked at English Language and Usage, Writers and the like, but doesn't seem to fit.) Towards the ...
user13500's user avatar
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