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Questions tagged [adventure-time]

An American animated television series created for Cartoon Network. The series follows the two main characters, Finn and Jake as they live in the post-apocalyptic world Land of Ooo.

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10 votes
1 answer

What is the runic inscription on Finn's mug?

At the beginning of the Adventure Time episode Card Wars we can see Finn drinking from a wooden mug with runic inscriptions: I've tried my best to figure out what those runes are, and my googling ...
Paula_plus_plus's user avatar
21 votes
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What is the meaning of the numbers in Princess Bubblegum's electrocardiogram?

At the beginning of the Mortal Recoil episode of Adventure Time, we can see this electrocardiogram of Princess Bubblegum. The number Pi (π) is pretty obvious here. But what about the other numbers? ...
Paula_plus_plus's user avatar
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S07E17 of Adventure time, all food is alive. Why and what is a message?

BMO is making sandwiches for Fin and Jack, saying that it took a lot of time and struggle at black market to find those ingredients. Is this a cannibalism, black/gallows humor joke?
SSimon's user avatar
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Why are some episodes of Adventure Time worse than others in terms of animation?

I'm watching Adventure Time and I have noticed that some episodes have an amazing animation quality while others are so badly drawn compared. They seem to change the artist at some episodes or ...
Miguel Ruiz's user avatar
3 votes
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Who is the Ice King, really?

In episode 24 of season 6 of Adventure Time, Ice King is seen waking up from a dream where a certain reptilian Gunther turns into another, seemingly much older Ice King. The whole dream looks like it'...
user1306322's user avatar
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Why all characters' arms/legs in Adventure Time are so soft?

How can they be so long and soft and even make arms waves? Have they not got any bones? The dog Jake has magic, so it's no problem that he has soft legs, but it doesn't make sense that Finn has soft ...
user.3898215's user avatar
12 votes
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Why does Jake from Adventure Time have inverted eyes?

Regarding Adventure Time, there is a character called Jake the dog. It's always bugged me not knowing why his eyes are white where the pupil should be, and black where the iris should be (i.e. ...
hello_there_andy's user avatar
10 votes
3 answers

Why doesn't the Ice King's crown affect Jake?

In the season 3's "Thank You" Finn & Jake beat up the Ice King, and nearly at the end of the episode when the Ice King is restrained Jake takes his crown and wears it: It's been said and shown in ...
DarkAjax's user avatar
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Why are humans considered a delicacy in the Land of Ooo?

During the episode where Jake meets Lady Rainicorn's parents. Misinformation happens and he accidently gives her parents permission to eat Finn. They then attack him in a blind hunger-rage and ...
Tablemaker's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Do Jake's powers have any real limitation?

Jake the Dog has the power to expand and retract his body at will and to seemingly, any size desired. But does he have a size limit as far as how big he can expand himself or how small he can shrink ...
Tablemaker's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Is the Land of Ooo really a post apocalyptic Earth?

I have heard a lot of theories spout about how the world of Adventure Time is actually based on a Post-Apocalypic Earth that has adapted to nuclear fallout, changing all living things with what they ...
Tablemaker's user avatar
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