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Questions tagged [21-jump-street]

Released in 2012, 21 Jump Street is an American action comedy film directed by Phil Lord and Christopher Miller. It was written by Michael Bacall and stars Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum.

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6 votes
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Who is the girl in the limo?

21 Jump Street scene, after Prom, where the baddies escape in limos and Schmidt and Jenko are chasing them in equally sized limos. But in their limo is some girl, drunk out of her mind, who Jenko ...
SandyShores's user avatar
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4 votes
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Why say "it rhymes with Grape"?

There is a scene in 21 Jumpstreet where Dave Franco' character Eric says "do you know what they'll do to me in prison it rhymes with grape" and it made me curious as to why it was phrased that way. ...
Kevin Howell's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Are Hanson and Penhall confirmed dead?

The movie remake of 21 Jump Street is comedy that suspends reality quite a bit in some cases. So even though the character played by Johnny Depp and Peter Deluise seemed to receive fatal wounds is it ...
Kevin Howell's user avatar
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