In the very beginning of the movie (the airplane scene,) when Bane is about to leave the plane with the nuclear scientist, the following dialogue takes place between Bane and one of his men:
Bane: No, they expect one of us at the wreckage brother.
Man: Have we started the fire?
Bane: Yes, the fire rises.
And then the guy just gives up his parachute and stays behind in the plane. What is this all about? Does Bane have mind-manipulating powers of some sort, or are his men just so loyal that they are willing to kill themselves just because he asks them to nicely? And what about the word "brother"? It reminds me of cult leaders who convince people to just kill themselves so that they can be redeemed. In addition, what is Bane's ethnic background supposed to be in the movie? He clearly has an accent in English.