In some scenes of 12 Monkeys Cole (Bruce Willis) wears a t-shirt with the word "Chris" very visible. This is an homage to Chris Marker, the french film director of "La jetée" in which the movie is based.

Cole sitting on a bed with a letter

Are there any other subtle references to "La jetée" in the movie?


1 Answer 1


You should probably be knowing that the movie itself is inspired from La jetée.

If you have seen La jetée, you'd obviously notice that the movie is just a series of still frames with a narrator in the background. There is a scene in Twelve monkeys where Railly narrates a slide show about a insane soldier in World War I. And when Railly and Bruce Willis take refuge in a movie theater that happens to be showing Alfred Hitchcock's Vertigo (an important influence on Chris Marker and La Jetee)

  • 1
    Also, the fact that the film climaxes in the airport is not only a reference but a direct adaption of La jetée.
    – Nils Munch
    Commented Jan 14, 2012 at 11:10
  • 2
    the strange eyewear of the scientists in 12 Monkeys echoes the weird sunglasses worn by their counterparts in La Jetee, including the guy in the cover shot
    – Shiz Z.
    Commented Feb 20, 2012 at 5:52

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