In "AKA Playland", the final episode of Season 2, Jessica Jones tells Vido about her heroic incident and the conversation goes as such:
Vido: Did you save anybody today?
Some conversation later...
Jessica: ...And this guy came in and he was all jumpy and dope-sick. And I knew he was there to rob the place...
Vido: Because of your spidey-sense?
Jessica: I don't have spidey-sense...
Now this put me off by a bit since the Netflix shows are in MCU continuity and apparently occurs after Avengers. Thus we can assume that the current season could be around AoU times... So how does Vido know about spidey-sense? It's not like having a Captain America toy.
Spidey-sense is a feature exclusive to Spider-man and he doesn't go around saying it in the MCU and unless Vido reads "Spider-man" comics, this reference is off-putting within the MCU universe.