In The Big Bang Theory, Rajesh Koothrappali is a guy from India who befriended Howard and became friends with Leonard, Sheldon and Penny. Since the very beginning of series, it is shown that Raj has some sort of problem with talking to girls, later it expanded to that he is having a problem of talking even when a woman is in the room (in his eyesight).
But often he was shown talking even when a woman is right next to him. Not to the woman directly, but he can whisper into someone's ear and that other person will almost always speak aloud what Raj says. This happens mostly with Wolowitz.
My problem is,
- What is the exact problem with Raj, that he was unable to talk to women?
- How is the scenario that he can talk/whisper even in front of women, but not aloud, match with the above fact that he can't talk to women?
Note: I'm aware of his ability to talk to any woman when he's drunk. My question is when he is sober.