In Batman Begins there is a scene where William Earle fires Lucius Fox. I just watched the movie for the first time so I may have missed something, but it seemed out of place.
At the time he is fired there is no reason provided, but there is a quote later when Lucius is speaking with Bruce which states the apparent reason:
Lucius Fox: [about the microwave emitter] Earle just fired me for asking too many questions about it.
It appears we have a cannon answer, but it doesn't seem like a very good one. So, are we given any more clues as to why he was fired or is there anything to support that he was fired for asking too many questions about the emitter?
It seems odd that Earle went to Lucius to tell him about the emitter and ask him for information and then to fire him for asking too much about it. Fox was already banished, if there was another reason I assume he could have just been fired earlier.