In BBC's Sherlock, James Moriarty is portrayed as a criminal mastermind. He is a psychopathic individual who is obsessed with Sherlock.
Moriarty is extremely difficult to read and anticipate. He shows a carousel of emotions ranging from serenity, humour, mockery, childish, laid-back, to violence.
In S01E03, when he meets Sherlock, Sherlock deduces him as gay.
Also, In S02E03, when he comes to meet Sherlock after his trial, the following conversation takes place between the two:
SHERLOCK: If you could break any bank, what do you care about the highest bidder?
JIM: I don’t. I just like to watch them all competing. “Daddy loves me the best!” Aren’t ordinary people adorable? Well, you know: you’ve got John. I should get myself a live-in one.
And finally, in the S04E03 when he returns, in the flash back:
GOVERNOR: Mr Moriarty.
JIM: “Big G.” Means “governor.” Street speak. I’m a bit down with the kids, you know? I’m relatable that way. D’you like my boys?
JIM: This one’s got more stamina, but he’s less caring in the afterglow.
So, is Jim really gay? Please quote evidences from the show in support of your answer.