In Atlas (2024), Atlas (portrayed by Jennifer Lopez) has leg surgery performed by an AI mech robot named Smith.
Why didn't Smith give Atlas any painkillers during the procedure?
In Atlas (2024), Atlas (portrayed by Jennifer Lopez) has leg surgery performed by an AI mech robot named Smith.
Why didn't Smith give Atlas any painkillers during the procedure?
potentially its the AI having a joke:
(background: ai is trying to learn from her to better engage with her, noticing shes quite bitter and sarcastic most of the time)
partway into the leg surgery, atlas groans some more, and the Ai goes 'Oops, missed a step", and then sprays something presumably pain-suppressing on her:
afterwards she gets a lollypop
awesome movie!
note, this review mentions it:
That supercomputer also forgets a “step” during a clearly defined, easy procedure. It’s not funny in anyway, despite trying to be. It’s just needlessly stupid.