In Avengers: Infinity War, Doctor Strange experiences 14,000,605 timeline scenarios, one of which was a win. Why does he proceed to return back to his origin point so he can say he already did it once, just so he can do the same thing again? It already happened and he was there, why not just stay there instead of going back in time to say his plan that worked works?
There are a couple of explanations I can imagine for this. One is that he just says there was one victory every time and it’s always a lie and the actual first victory was the last time.
The other is that the one victory so far just wasn’t good enough so he tries for a better one and just accepts the final outcome, which may or may not be an improvement to the already established win scenario. If that’s the case then I would expect more experimentation to find better and better scenarios after establishing one baseline strategy that works. In either case, actually, finding incrementally better scenarios sounds like the right way to proceed.