In the movie L.A. Confidential, Captain Dudley Smith (James Cromwell) introduces a newspaper reporter to Edmund Exley (Guy Pearce) and explains to the reporter "I was fortunate enough to be partnered with his father when I was a rookie."
Exley and Smith have a drink in honor of Preston Exley who was Edmund Exley's father. Edmund looks at a photo on the wall with a 8-10? year old boy (presumably young Edmund) standing in between Smith and his father, both in police uniform. Edmund proposes a toast stating "To the solving of crimes that require absolute justice." Edmund raises his glass, but Smith just watches him.
Later in the movie, Edmund Exley speaks to Sergeant Jack Vincennes (Kevin Spacey) about his father being shot 6 times and how the crime was never solved.
Knowing that Dudley Smith was as corrupt as he was, could it be possible that he killed Edmund Exley's father? Is there any other evidence or hints pointing at that?