In the movie Home Alone (1990), the McCallister family is followed on their planned trip to Paris and subsequent mistake of leaving one child behind.
The McCallister home and surrounding neighborhood are also the target of career burglars who have marked the home as the best one. This suggests that the McCallister family is very wealthy, but there other things that suggest this as well including:
- A large home in one of Chicago's most expensive suburbs (the real home is valued around $2.4 million in today's money).
- A vacation including extended family (15 people IIRC) to Paris, France.
- Chauffeur service (vans) to and from the airport.
- Fine clothes and jewelry (remember the scene of Kate offering cash, checks, and jewels for a plane ticket home).
However, it is never mentioned, even slightly in passing, what Peter and Kate McCallister's professions are. The only hint we get is that maybe Kate is a fashion designer due to the mannequins in the home.
Is there any official evidence of what their line of work was, perhaps in a companion novel, interviews with the cast, writers, or director?