At the end of the movie Constantine, we meet Lucifer: a man wearing an unstained white dress and dirty feet.
Why is he depicted like that? In particular: why the dirty feet?
At the end of the movie Constantine, we meet Lucifer: a man wearing an unstained white dress and dirty feet.
Why is he depicted like that? In particular: why the dirty feet?
But I said, “My experience from stage is, if you do a devil or a really, really mean guy onstage, you usually come in like in Chekhov, off-white linens suit. My suggestion would be an off-white linen suit. I should come from a bog, not from underneath, and I should have tar on my feet dripping down. And then I can shave away my eyebrows, I can shave my head—you know, the sides of my head—looks weird, and the makeup artist added some veins on my face.” And I said, “If I’m dressed like that, everybody’s going to listen to me. They’re not going to be disturbed by, ‘He looks too fat. Wow. Fit? No, there’s a little belly. The tattoos are moving—they are cool.’ I could say whatever then. I could donate every single sentence to the starving people of Somalia. No one would hear.”
Note that I have not found any relevant Biblical texts to support this interpretation.