Actor Philip Seymour Hoffman, who portrayed a character in The Hunger Games, passed away during the middle of filming for the Mockingjay movies. His character, Plutarch Heavensbee, is a central figure in Catching Fire and Mockingjay Part 1. After seeing Part 2, I can say he had a notable lack of importance, though the plot itself may have lent to that analysis, as the movie focuses on the war action more than the political machinations of its prequel.
According to an interview by Director Francis Lawrence:
"[Hoffman] had two substantial scenes left and the rest were appearances in other scenes. We had no intention of trying to fake a performance, so we rewrote those scenes to give to other actors… The rest, we just didn’t have him appear in those scenes. There’s no digital manipulation or CG fabrication of any kind."
(Bravo to the crew on this decision, post-mortem digitalization is beyond the pale...)
From my viewing, I believe one of those substantial scenes was The outro following Coin's death, where Haymitch reads a letter from Plutarch to Katniss.
Is this one of the significant scenes, and which are the other scenes that were changed?