Hi, my name is Braden Best. I am a Hobbyist Programmer that loves to challenge himself. I have been programming on-and-off since 2007.
I have experience with many languages, including:
- JavaScript
- Bourne-again Shell (bash)
- C
- ActionScript 2.0
- C++
- Python 2
- Python 3
- brainfuck
Some more than others. My favorites are JavaScript, Python, C and brainfuck.
Languages I would like to get into/play with:
- Perl
- Lua
- Java
- Lisp
- Haskell
- C#
- ActionScript 3.0
- Befunge
- Piet
Languages I don't want to touch with a 39 1/2' pole (but might be willing to touch with a 40' pole):
- x86_64 Assembly (only in an embedded environment, I'm not touching syscalls)
- BASIC (Might play with TI-BASIC. Might.)
- Malbolge (look it up)