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What is the importance of the souvenir from Lagos, Nigeria?

In X-Men Origins: Wolverine, what is the importance of souvenir acquired from Lagos, Nigeria, that William Stryker wants the source of.
Blitzkrieg's user avatar
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How does Deadpool 2 fit in the X-Men timeline! [duplicate]

So by X-Men: Days of Future Past, the X-Men timeline is reset. So, Wade never met Stryker and was never made into Mutant-XI who went to fight Wolverine. Then why did Deadpool go back in time to kill ...
Yadu's user avatar
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Why was Victor not with Wolverine in Hiroshima?

So I was wondering if I was the only one who caught this. In the beginning of the movie "X-Men Origins: Wolverine" we see Logan and Victor in all wars including World War II but in the movie "The ...
Monkey Hernandez's user avatar
18 votes
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If Wolverine's skeleton is completely bonded with Adamantium, why are his teeth still white?

In "X-Men Origins Wolverine", Logan undergoes an operation to have Adamantium bonded to his skeleton. Why doesn't the Adamantium bond to his teeth?
Jithin Sreekumar's user avatar