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Questions tagged [video-game-adaptation]

For questions about the intricacies of adapting a video game to the film or TV series format, or the relationship of a story going from one format to another.

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8 votes
4 answers

Is the story of the Prince of Persia movie purely based on the titular video game?

I heard that Prince of Persia: The sands of time movie was based on the Prince of Persia: The sands of time video game. However in the wiki article it is said: Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time ...
Mistu4u's user avatar
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12 votes
1 answer

What went wrong with Super Mario Bros?

As is widely regarded in both gaming and movie communities, Super Mario Bros is considered one of the worst movies and adaptations of its time. The question is, what happened during production of ...
Tablemaker's user avatar
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