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Why is Michael Burry's assistant shown working at a convenience store stocking Red Bull?

In The Big Short, Michael Burry has a recurring assistant character throughout the movie. As his firm continues to lose money, the staff dwindles until only the assistant character is left. He asks ...
Torkoal's user avatar
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Why did the banks sell credit default swaps to Michael Burry in The Big Short?

In The Big Short there's a scene where Michael Burry shorts the housing market by going to different banks and buying insurance from them. After he leaves, we see the bank employees making fun of him ...
user2741831's user avatar
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How was Ben Rickert able to secure an ISDA agreement?

In The Big Short, the Ben Rickert character, played by Brad Pitt, helps a small hedge fund secure an ISDA agreements with institutional banks so the small fund can start trading credit default swaps. ...
rib3ye's user avatar
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CDO Manager in The Big Short?

I recently watched The Big Short and had some trouble understanding the whole CDO Manager thing.. Who was that guy? I didn't understand what they were talking about and how did Mark conclude that the ...
mayank budhwani's user avatar